AGF denies having done anything wrong in a case about possible eavesdropping of AaB’s set pieces ahead of the teams ‘ last match in the base game.
the Rejection from AGF comes in response to Extra the Magazine’s unveiling Sunday evening, to a person in Massachusetts – probably in AGF via a computer had access to AaB-assistant Allan K. jepsen’s schematic records of the set pieces.
Gasquet won the match 3-1 at home against AGF, among other things, on a goal to 1-0 by Kasper Pedersen after a dødbold.
It is, however, according to Ekstra Bladet, the AaB found that the opponents from the AGF may have intercepted information about the set pieces.
Therefore selected the people from northern jutland to change the tactics for the team’s set pieces before the match.
the AGF on Monday and responded by rejecting the accusation of hacking on the club’s website.
– AGF is currently in the process of investigating this matter internally, but can already now flatly reject the charges of hacking.
– AGF have only had access to their own accounts – which is paid by AGF – including material held in these accounts and used by the AGF’s youth, inform the AGF.
AGF-chairman Lars Fournais refuses to Århus Stiftstidende, that the club should have done anything illegal.
– What I can say is that we do not have hacked others account. The kind of we do not AGF.
– We have used our own access to a system around the set pieces, all of superligaklubber use, says Lars Fournais to the
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