The world record of the life of John Orth starts with a setback. As he’s loading in a Climbing competition in which you must create as many pull-UPS, he is beaten up. Orth is angry to such an extent that he trained for a year dogged in a fitness Studio in Golden at the Denver the up and Down on the rod.
As he thinks he is ready for the rematch, he notes: The climbing shop no need for a further chin-up competition. John Orth asks: I Have worked hard all year for nothing?
He decides to the biggest sporting adventure of his life: He attacked in the summer of 2016, the world record in pull-UPS-Make – about 24 hours. 7600-time he presses the bar, then he is the new Champion. He needs to stop 19.5 hours only because his skin dissolves on the hands, “is almost completely destroyed; it felt like I was moving in a Sauce”.
penalty, only for other
The quite bizarre record Orth a local celebrity. After all, who called the Ultra-pull-UPS-Make his passion? Especially since the majority of people, the Exercise connects rather with a criminal task Moody gym teacher. Orth, however, can drag on for hours, without fatigue.
Where you think his approach is wrong: Orth completed four pull-UPS super fast in a row, then he paused (at the bottom) for 28 seconds, before the next series follows. He, therefore, it is not constantly to the rod. A book lay beside Orth in the immediate pre-second world record in the autumn of 2018. He took the 28-second breaks to read or for Computer applications.
The first world record of the skin broke on his hands almost completely in the second half a ton of lime.
Orth also works professionally with the hands. He is a violin maker and instructor, plays the flute in a local group. His focus is on music from the 18th century. Century. The 43-Year-old lived in his 20s for several years in Germany as an English teacher, fits in this colorful Vita. It is driven by a Lust for adventure, or as it is Orth says: “I love challenges, to enrich the life.” That’s why he also ran quite a few races over 100 miles and climbing since his youth.
The imposing upper arms, however, he has only been in its chin-up time. He has trained for this discipline over the months for the ideal body. This means, for example: as few muscles or weight on the legs. They are just Ballast. So Orth moved across months, but only as much as necessary, until he is Popeye with his very thin legs, the small Füdli and Muscle on the arms resembled.
“It is not enough in such a project, to simply be disciplined.”
However, he noted that he had overdone it with the upper body mass and prevented him. Ergo, he took off. The records show his fat percentage was about 4%, at 1.77 m, he weighed 67 kg. Outside of competition time, he is a bit heavier.
Although the chin-up came Rookie within a relatively short period of time to his first world record, he suffered for long time under the Effort. Until he could hold his tools for the Violin and also the finest of movements, passed weeks. Only after two months, he ventured back to the bar, so he had spent. Nevertheless, he sent again to the stretch – and not all of which were at the second record with 7670 pull UPS on the smallest bubble. A few days later he began to train again.
The hands he held, this time with tons of lime in a dry place. In addition, he had auftrainiert you so that you had to endure this specific stress. He completed only pull-UPS, because he says: “The movement is so unique that you find a replacement.”
This meant that Orth before the second record contracted weekly up to 30 hours of the torso and especially on the weekends and several hours toiled on – after all, he worked full-time.
A building over months
Nevertheless, it is amazing how hugely Orth improved. At the beginning he carry out just a few pull-UPS on the piece. That’s why he used first a Pull-up machine, as it is in many fitness centers and where you can reduce the weight of the body to almost zero.
Orth started with very little weight, and increased gradually the workout time and weight to Make the free pull-UPS-such as Meditation experienced: “I felt the effort hardly more, was able to let my mind wander, and I have a partially built all the violins imaginary.”
All of the drive was to move its borders. “It is not enough in such a project, just to be disciplined. You need a concrete goal – and of course, Fun. I completed a lot of training with colleagues, increased the lust factor and helped me through difficult phases.” Music the children Orth aim was directed. In his case, there were Pop Hits from the ‘ 90s.
Painful mishap: In this Training, John Orth, joins the 27. Chin-up chin against the rod.. Video: Orthjohn via Instagram
the second record attempt was Although he believed himself as well prepared as never before, almost to the fiasco. After 12 hours, his body began to rebel. As he had done against 6000 pull-UPS. Be back ached so that he can position on the floor writhed, weeping in the Fetus and even unconscious for a short while.
After a shower, and motivation of his friends, who share in part, from country other speeches were flown in, whipped it to 1670 pieces. Then he collapsed. Several hours of his 24-hour record, he had to let go to waste. It explains why US Teenagers increased the number to around 10’000. Only this record was not recognised by the keepers of the “Guinness book of world records”, because he had done some pull-up improperly.
The Teenager finished his Hobby disillusioned. John Orth will attack his record in the near future. He is unsure if he applies again, so a lot of passion and time. Therefore, it is based on the world hour record, because the constant up and down of the rod is moved in its DNA. 2 to 3 times a week for a couple Hundred Pull-ups are all in there.
(editing Tamedia)
Created: 29.01.2019, 08:45 PM