Copenhagen is Ranked the Police continues the investigations in the two-year-old unsolved case concerning the killing of the heavily pregnant Louise Borglit in the hope of a breakthrough .

The 32-year-old woman was killed with the knife, while she aired the dog in the Elverparken in Herlev, denmark, Friday 4. november 2016.

the Case has been heavily investigated, and today was a special forces from the Defence put into the case.

There is talk about the Defence and the Advanced Search Team, informs the police efterforskningsleder Ole Nielsen.

They arrived from the Slice of the Barracks in the morning and have most of the day has been started to examine the area along a bike path at the motorring 3 near Kagsmosen.

– and with that we have not found drabsvåbnet yet, it is natural for us to explore other areas located in the vicinity of the scene of the crime, says Ole Nielsen.

despite the fact that there is gone the two years since the killing, also have police dogs been out and search in certain areas in the last week.

As it sounded from the police, that again looked at one angle of the case, which they had studied before.

the Search of the areas comes after a special working group has reviewed the efterforskningsmaterialet in Louise’s case with new eyes, and in the connection has come up with recommendations on what to try to study again. It is called a peer view.

the Specialists of the Defense continue their investigations in the morning. They are specially trained and have the equipment in the form of, among other things meteldetektorer.

– When a special forces unit as this has been through an area, you can be pretty sure that they will find it, if there are thrown in something, ” says Ole Nielsen.

Copenhagen is Ranked the Police have on several occasions had specialists from the Defense inside the case. Thus, the Navy Minørtjeneste previously reviewed the lake in the Elverparken.

Louise Borglit stayed with family in Perth, while she was expecting his child, when she donned a set of oil rain gear and went out in the rain to vent the family dog at 19’time.

She was found stabbed with multiple knife wounds. The police have called the killing of the bestial.

A female witness saw a man come out from the Elverparken, immediately after that the witness had heard kvindeskrig. The man was known as the ‘kasketmanden’, because he wore a dark cap, where the cap on his jacket was pulled up over his cap.

The man has been called for intensely, but have never signed up.

Louise Borglit was 32 years old. Private.