“Brexitdimman continues: how can it stop”

“The british parliament has taken over the brexitprocessen and will try to find a draft agreement that has the support of the majority of the members, after Mays proposal in the past has been defeated two times.”

“The four main alternatives for the planned exit is left.”

“the Withdrawal by agreement of may 22”

“Theresa Mays brexitavtal has already been voted down twice by a wide margin of the british house of commons.”

“A new vote about the agreement, which in brief means that the Uk and the EU a long time to agree on their future relationship, would have been held this week. But May flagged in last Friday that this will happen only if the agreement has enough support.”

“If Mays criticized the proposal, despite everything, would get the green light, the Uk will leave the EU on 22 may.”

“the Prospects for such an outcome looks, however, not particularly favorable. President of the French republic Emmanuel Macron said at the EU summit Thursday that he believes that May only have five percent chance to get their agreements approved in the british parliament.”

“According to sources within the Conservative party would be critical members of parliament be able to consider voting yes on the May promise to resign and not lead talks with the EU in the next phase of negotiations.”

“Avtalslöst brexit april 12 or later”

“If meps says no to Mays agreement a third time, or if there will be no re-vote, so shall the Uk under the current plan to leave the EU without any agreement.”

“the EU has earlier announced that the deadline for a avtalslöst brexit is the 12 april, but Macron has said that it does not necessarily need to be so and that it would be able to agree on a later date.”

“May has not ruled out a withdrawal without agreement. Some analysts believe that the likelihood of such a scenario has increased during the past week and that May would be able to be prepared to go in that direction.”

“Postpone the exit for a long time.”

“the Uk should be able to ask the EU for a new and much longer suspension that extends beyond the current date of april 12. It would mean that the british are forced to participate in the elections to the EUROPEAN parliament in may.”

“the EUROPEAN commission has announced the leaders of the union that it considers that an extended deferral should extend to at least the end of 2019, and possibly much longer than that, in order to allow for a new focus for the strategy concerning the brexit.”

“A generous deferral would mean more time for the growing crowd of May-critics within the Conservative party who want to see a new name at the post of prime minister.”

“It would also open the door for other opportunities to hold a new election, or, which is more unlikely, a second referendum.”

“the Uk’s electoral commission has taken the height of an election to the EUROPEAN parliament, and would be able to proclaim such a short notice, but May have said yourself that this would be unacceptable.”

“Even if it is the least likely option is it still possible for the british parliament to stop the exit, something that the EU’s permanent president Donald Tusk has said.”

“the EUROPEAN court of justice has previously ruled that the Uk on its own can revoke its decision to activate article 50, which is the EU’s utträdesparagraf.”

“Överhusledamoten John Kerr, who was designed to in article 50, however, has explained this alternative political impossible if it is not preceded by a parliamentary election or a referendum.”

“Also May have excluded such a procedure.”