the OB and Brøndby are liable to be punished for their fans homophobic cries.
on Sunday night chased some OB-fans FCK’s Viktor Fischer with homophobic heckling, and Monday night after Brøndbys match in Farum warmed a group blågule supporters up to Sunday’s derby by singing, ’Fischer is gay’.
Both the OB and Brøndby have taken the distance to the homophobic behavior, and their fanklubber have also been quick in condemning words.
Fischer answered tilråbene so. Video: Discovery Networks Denmark
however, It is doubtful whether the OB and Brøndby impunity. The rules are quite clear.
IN DBU’s disciplinary provisions is a section on discrimination, and it appears that if the spectators with a clear klubtilhørsforhold obtained with the interjection with a content as mentioned in section 3a ’can that club to punish by a fine’.
Content in section 3a deals with among other things, sexual preference.
It says the DBU’s disciplinary rules on discrimination
the Rules dealing with discrimination is a result of FIFA’s tightening of article 58 of fifa’s Disciplinary Code.
the Public statements of defamatory, derogatory or discriminatory in nature regarding another person’s race, ethnic origin, skin colour, language, religion, sexual preference or membership of a minority group can be sanctioned under the reference to the § 30.1.
If the spectators with a clear klubtilhørsforhold obtained with chants, displaying banners with slogans, words or drawings, with a content as mentioned in § 3a can that club be punished with a fine having regard to the § 30.1.
If the club’s officials or the club’s players will appear with the opinions or actions as mentioned in 3a and 3b considered this as an aggravating circumstance in the sanktionsfastsættelsen.
Source: DBU’s disciplinary rules
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DBU look with great seriousness at the homophobia and issued after the incident in Odense together with the organization of division, Spillerforeningen and Danish Football Fans a joint statement.
‘We will not tolerate incidents such as at the city Stadium yesterday, and we are prepared to work closely with clubs and fans that it does not happen again’, said among other things in the opinion.
It is Football Discipinærinstans, where appropriate, to deal with the cases.
the DBU’s head of communications, Jacob Høyer, said Monday to the news agency Ritzau that he was hoping that someone notified it, or to Disciplinærinstansen even took up the matter, ‘so it here can get some consequences’.
Pan Sport has now reviewed the homophobic chants and songs for Football Disciplinærinstans.
Extra Magazine trying to get a comment from Jens Hjortskov, who is the chairman of the Football Disciplinærinstans.
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