There was full blast, when Brøndby on Sunday evening turned the battle against Vejle and took three points home to the Area.

Speaking of battles, so shall the Brøndby be lucky with that goal scorer Kamil Wilczek at all was on the pitch, as he pushed the ball the last piece over the line to equalise.

Kamil Wilczek is more charming as a goal-scorer than knoglebrækker. Picture: Jens Dresling

The Polish striker should have had a direct red card when he at the end of the first half flew directly into your face on Kerim Memija with the elbow to the front.

It takes Ekstra fodboldkommentator, Stig Tøfting.

– You may not know what the intention was, but in my world tv displays pictures with absolute clarity, that Wilczek went after the one thing. It was to pay back for the less batalje, who was with Mads Greve in the past.

– the Problem is just that hævnaktionen went out over the wrong, when Memija had not touched Wilczek. And, incidentally, came Mads Greve to give Wilczek a bucks, when he kicked the ball away. It was not on purpose. But it was Kamil Wilczeks German reprisal in my book. It should have been a blatant straight red, says Stig Tøfting.

See Wilczeks ugly act of revenge at the top of the article.

Kamil Wilczek had the habit of faith does not want to talk with the press after the match, but to Ekstra Bladet tells Vejle head to the pole came to Vejle bench to talk with Memija after the purge, but when was the Vejle-the player sent to the hospital.

Brøndbys top scorer, however, was Memijas phone number.

– It provides, after all, the impression that he regrets the harshness in his action. I really don’t care, he will not have to explain themselves to the press. It may be, he would rather use the club as a mouthpiece, and the players are not obligated to make up for the interviews. Wilczek makes not up, when he has scored a hat trick. It is his choice, says Stig Tøfting

Read more about Memijas condition including.

the heat of the busy judge, Peter Kjaersgaard, took the time to explain themselves after the game. Here he admitted his mistake and explained he assessed the situation wrong on the pitch.

Peter Kjaersgaard explained both to the tv and the written press after the game in Vejle. Screendump. TV3 Sport

Just expect, therefore, Stig Tøfting nor, to the DBU’s disciplinærinstans comes on overtime in spite of the many questionable decisions during the match in Vejle.

– It would be nice if sofaudvalget came more on the track, but just with Kamil Wilczeks elbow is it is difficult to do more, because the judge acknowledges to have seen the episode. It should he report afterwards, saying Ekstra fodboldkommentator and deepens.

– Therefore Wilczek nor sentenced to an additional karantænepoint – nor is being done by the two situations with Vejle.

Read Peter Kjærsgaards explanation here.

Stig Tøfting believe, namely, that the Brøndby was cheated out of a penalty kick, which would have led to a deportation to the Vejle goalkeeper Thomas Hagelskjær.

On a corner kick bounced keeper out in the field and boxed Paulus Arajuuri directly in the face.

– It CAN’T be allowed to beat the opponent in the head! It is very possible it is a bug or unintended, but outfield players are also punished, when they commit heavy offenses in the field. It is just rarely, the goalkeeper will be penalized in the same way, and Peter Kjaersgaard judged the nor anything here.

See the dramatic highlights from Vejle, denmark, Brøndby including.

Vejle striker Allan Sousa was in vogue. The brazilian threw up very easily, when he got his free kick after 10 minutes – a free kick which he beat up into the cracks afterwards.

Later, Sousa a yellow card for the film, and his second warning for a hernia.

– This is the other side of Sousa. The other side is that he is a fantastic footballer. In fact, I think it comes back and bites him in the ass, that he cheated the referee at the free kick. For I do not think his ‘movie’ was yellow. There were also no penalties, but the yellow was hard doomed, says Stig Tøfting and concludes.

the Article continues below the image.

Allan Sousa, in the middle, appears out of the hernia after the final whistle against Brøndby. Photo: Claus Fisker/Ritzau Scanpix

– It is quite simply too strong for the judges. We saw it countless times in this round and last round, etc. I’ve said it before and will say it again: ‘now Give the judges something to help’. They can’t possibly keep up with.

so, What about the argument that television stations do not cover all the matches equally well?

– One must use what one has. It may well happen, there are several cameras on for the big matches, but I’m sure that a single camera had caught Thomas Hagelskjærs bokseepisode and Wilczeks elbow. It is the first step towards a more ‘fair’ settlement of the fighting.

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