I apologize in the deepest of to my teammates, to the members of the English team and especially to captain Joe Root for a comment that was meant as a joke and not to be offensive, writes Shannon Gabriel in an official statement, according to Sky Sports.

I know now that it was inappropriate, and I’m very, very sorry.

Banned in four fights

the Background for regret is a situation from the cricket superbowl between England and the West Indies.

Giroud: – Impossible to stand up as gay

the Episode occurred during an intense moment on the pitch. It was a lot of pressure, and England’s captain, Joe Root, staring intensely at me when I made me ready to bowl (throw the ball, journ.anm.). Why smile you? Do you like boys, I asked.

this measure resulted in an oral warning under the settlement and then a four kampers ban for Gabriel, while the Root is being hailed for the way he responded. Microphones and cameras snatched namely up England-the captain’s reply, which was as follows:

– do Not use it as an insult. There is nothing wrong in being homosexual.

I replied, “I have no problems with it, but eventually to smile for me”, says Gabriel.

He tells he has skværet up with the Root, and is glad that there is no bad atmosphere between them.

ORDERED: Shannon Gabriel and Joe Root arranged up after the match. Photo: Action Images. Show more

Former England captain Nasser Hussain, who commented on the match for Sky Sports, stressed that “there is no room for homosexual verbal abuse, either on or off the cricket pitch.

– Joe Root, as England captain and as a role model, handled the situation perfectly, stated he.

More Root-praise Skiløperen Stian (23) stood out as a homosexual. Then came the smellen

Kirsty Clarke, sporting director for Stonewall, an organisation that among other things, working for homosexual and biseksuelles conditions in the united Kingdom, rose Root for the way he handled the situation:

– Language is powerful. It is highly that Joe Root was ready to challenge potentially abusive comments, she says to Sky Sports.

– The more players, the supporters and organisations that fight for equality in the sport, the sooner we can kick discrimination out of it so that sport is for all.

She also gets the support of the Mims Davies, the united kingdom’s divided, as also roses Root:

The leader and ambassador. A great deal of respect for to do it right. This (this measure to Gabriel, journ.anm.) do not belong in the sport’s world, she wrote on Twitter.

Also English fotballprofiler thrown on after a situation that has received much attention. Gary Lineker wrote on Twitter that the Root came with the “perfect response”, while Ian Wright wrote “well done and well said, my good man.”

English player for the national banned for homohets