“Crystal ball: ”remember where you heard it first””

“Nybrink: world record of Jansson, franskfiasko and the Derby to a filly – so travåret 2019”

“Now it is over, travåret 2018 is over.”

“Sure you can sum up and share prices – but it is a bit too easy.”

“more Fun and a greater challenge it is to look in the crystal ball before 2019.”

“Who will win the Elitlopp? How is it that the two-time winner of the Prix d’amerique moved to Sweden? To whom?”

“How did målfotot out in the Olympiatravet, when and why became Björn Goop so pissed?”

“I’ll tell you now, remember where you heard it first.”

“► AD: you can Now shrink Sportbladets profiles on their andelsspel at ATG Together. Check out all the systems here! [External link]”

“Travåret 2019 begins with a bunch of slightly V75-worn player. Winter Burst is over and many are bleeding financially. The salary in the end of January feels distant. It may be possible to invest (lira) out of the crisis? Hmmm, it’s probably not jättelistigt. The game in all its glory, but as usual, the circuits the sport around France and uppmjukningsloppen before the Prix d’amerique.”

“the Prix de Belgique, the last preparéloppet with two weeks left, bid on the We Express and Björn Goop. It is almost unnerving to see. If it is a scandal that is unfolding you may judge for themselves. Trainer Timo Nurmos go before the race out and says that he is very happy with the horse and now only the shape is maintained, it becomes preparé this time – with shoes on all hooves.”

“Björn Goop says not so much. ” Ask Mr”, is his standard response, ”but the horse was incredibly nice last.””

“In the race is the French horses (föredettingarna) nerspelade while We released up to seven times. He should just sneak by. Björn Goop attacks already in the hill, 1 400 meters from the goal and through a mighty rush from the waiting-thunders last year’s Pd’A-winner management, 500 metres later. nResten is display, the horse is steaming ahead and win by almost 30 metres, stalling.”

“It’s dead silent at Vincennes, some nuts displeased, a small crowd of boo.”

“Timo Nurmos get the question of French trav-tv’s reporter why the horse ran so tough. ”But you said preparé?” and answer that it is the way he prepares, a urblåsning in race two weeks before and then, the mold is 110%. Björn Goop then? He just smiles, never has the teeth glänst more. ”I ran not so much, just dropped him a bit.” The BG is waving to the audience. Forgotten are the less successful Jerringprisomröstningen.”

“Melander helps on the tractor”

“at Home in Sweden to prepare Daniel Redén its Propulsion. In the courtyard outside Örsundsbro works the hull around to keep the training ground in good condition in spite of the difficult winter.”

“Stefan Melander offers to help and take part of a night shift with the tractor. ”I need to help in emerging from this crisis.” Someone says that he surreptitiously takes nprover on the material, but it is denied by both Redén and Melander. “

“Nine days before the Prix d’amerique is running, the last bang hard workout with ”the Stopper”. He may go five 500-metersintervaller at full speed on the demanding track but despite this, it is not tired. ”He just came up in arbetspuls in the last straight,” says Daniel afterwards. ”How strong has he never been, and five intervals actually have no horse passed earlier.””

“the Prix d’amerique as a race, considered to become not so fun – for the French.”

“Leave in a taxi, without changing”

“Kihlström drag on for fully the last 600-700 and into the home stretch turned the Bold Eagle. But Örjan sitting still, let the Bold Eagle get a seeming advantage for the last 50 meters to drop of a bit. It is degrading to see. The profit will be assured, and Bold Eagle can stop and stop the third.”

“Eftersnacket is still a lot about why Bazire drove so ugly. And with Björn Goop looks grim. ”That was dangerous, done that”, however, is his only comment, and then he beats his fist in a stalldörr and leaving Vincennes in a taxi without change. Bazire not found.”

“Olympiatravet becomes a starting point in the spring and summer. Propulsion, and We Express pauses and loads for the Elitlopp but it plays no role at all. Kvalvinnarna Who’s Who and Heavy Sound going in close combat you the final and the crowd is verging on ecstatic when the horses, side by side, the last 700 increases the speed all the way to go in case virtually at the same time.”

“Målfotot shows to Who’s Who and Torbjörn Jansson is the first in goal, but both horses were hailed by the audience, which becomes even more excited when the time, new world record, 1.09,5u002F2 140 auto recognized.”

“”If not Milligan’s School (Ulf Eriksson) and Perfect Spirit (Kihlström) had opened the 1.05 first 500 and lapped at 1.08, it had of course not gone,” says Jansson, who now just run the race. ”It’s alright days like this.””

“the Eagle wins the Elitloppet – with Bergh”

“the Elitlopp? What should we believe? I must first tell you that the Bold Eagle after the minor fiasco of the French vintermeetinget replace the coach. ”We want to give him the chance to win the Elitlopp. This is his last season,” says owner Pierre Pilarski when the horse is moved to the Robert Bergh. ”My champion need to calm down and Robert came to me with an idea …”.”

“the Finals will be amazing. Propulsion, We Express, Cyber Lane and Makethemark has the four innermost tracks. Bold Eagle starts at the far end of the track after a fourth place in the experiment where Robert Bergh’t run a meter, or in any case far too late (yep, for the first time in life …).”

“the Cyber Lane takes the lead, may We Express on the outside and Makethemark in the back. Propulsion find the other winger, while Bergh get back down as four in andraspår. 1.10 the first 1 000 is nothing to get worked up about. The track is vindsnabb, it is 24 degrees and blue skies.”

“the 500-metres from goal attack Propulsion, uttvingad of Nadal Broline who Bold Eagle in the back. All believe that the Propulsion to win, he eats quickly up ahead. Wow. Kihlström is down in the bike, the rod on the shaft. It’s over.”

“But 200 left attacking Bergh and the Bold Eagle and the rest is, as we say, travhistoria. Afterwards clocked his riot. Twelve seconds, that means 1.00 last 200. He wins by half a length, and 30 metres after the goal, he is ten yards ahead of the others.”

“I almost got a whiplash injury in the neck when I turned on,” laughs Berg. ”His acceleration is unique, no horse has run as fast at Solvallas riots. It, I can guarantee.””

“What’s happening in the other? Here are some notes from the 2019:”

” Sprintermästaren go to Jägersro, Germany and Conrad Lugauer. His Campo Bahia is a late fit for fight and more or less mashes it all in the final, driven in the rain, but good for the segerdefileringen the sun is shining on the hideously beautiful stallion.”

” Hugo Åbergs Memorial just see a horse on the track since the Propulsion pulled back after a second place in the Elitlopp. We Express scares away all opposition and win at idling speed, which corresponds to 1.09,0u002F1 609 metres. Jorma Kontio run – so clear. ”Well, is strong in day, do not open your ears”, says Kontio afterwards.”

” In Sundsvall Open Trot may V75-players with a straight right when femårige Selmer I. H. shock and spurtar down We Express after a journey in the third winger. We are good, but after the death of the Perfect Spirit and 1.09 for the first 1 000 he is a bit mushy the last 100. ”What should I say? He doesn’t seem like Sundsvall,” says trainer Timo Nurmos and leaving the track with a flying start shortly after the finish.”

” the Derby yesterday, and lo and behold, a mare. Daniel Redén choose to start Conrad’s Rödluva against the stallions, and it turns out to be a smart move. ”She is the second best mare I trained”, declares Redén after the race.”

” the Criterion becomes also a bit of a saga. Visbytränaren Stone O Jansson win of his life beating with Belker, which shows that the profit of the Swedish Uppfödningslöpning was not a coincidence. ”We train him four hours a day,” reveals Stone O in vinnarcirkeln and then add in the world’s largest snus to celebrate.”

” AD: you can Now shrink Sportbladets profiles on their andelsspel at ATG Together. Check out all the systems here! [External link]”