“Danius leave formally of the Swedish Academy”

“the Swedish Academy: in the Past, the permanent secretary will leave his chair.”

“Sara Danius, who have previously left the work as the permanent secretary of the Swedish Academy, leaving the now formally his chair.”

“at the same time ask the Academy Danius apology for their part in the infected fraction that has shaken the society.”

“”Sara Danius has raised the interest for the Academy’s activities,” it says in the press release. “

“”the Swedish Academy has decided that there existed objective reasons to terminate Sara Danius sekreterarskap prematurely. This has led to affektladdad controversy and confusion between different questions. The Swedish Academy asking Sara Danius apology for their part in this,” writes the Academy in a press release. “

“They have now reached an agreement that both parties find reasonable, and thus leave Danius was formally his chair as the permanent secretary of the Swedish Academy.”

“the Nobel prize for the 2018 did not materialize because of the crisis that rocked the Academy after the charges against the so-called kulturprofilen Jean-Claude Arnault, who in October was convicted of rape.”

“His wife Katarina Frostenson has been accused of breaches of security and left his chair in January following a settlement with the Academy. “

“Danius writes in a press release to TT that they last for a few days then offered to return to the post of permanent secretary but then got no.”

“”The current secretary ends for the summer due to its age. There was no thank you. I decided then to leave the Academy even as a passive member,” she writes.”

“I have made the decision to leave my chair in the Swedish Academy, on chair number seven, which once bekläddes of the first woman to be elected into the Academy, Selma Lagerlöf. For me it has been an honor to sit on this chair”. “

“in Addition to the twelve-month fee which was accepted by the Academy last year may Danius also a nine months’ severance pay, said her lawyer Anders Elmér for the TT.”

“”Strong personal presence””

“the Academy writes to Danius increased interest in their operations:”

“”Those who take to be on the good in all things, sensible and happy, is one of queen Kristina’s maxims. It is in this spirit that the Academy remembers Sara Danius sekreterargärning, the impetus for innovation that it brought, and the strong personal presence through what Sara Danius has raised the interest for the Academy’s activities”.”