At the end of the 98 minutes it is silent for a few moments. During the credits of the Hungarian film “Just the Wind” is running, the light goes on in the house of football cultures in Prenzlauer Berg, in which around 30 people have gathered. The mood is clouded whether the collected impressions.

The Faninitiative “Hertha for All” invited on Monday evening for the screening of the film followed by a discussion round on the topic of anti-Gypsyism, racism against Sinti, Roma and other population groups. The members of the “Hertha for All” is the theme at the heart. Last December, they visited, together with about 50 Hertha-Fans Excluded the exhibition, “persecuted, murdered Sinti and Roma in Lichtenberg 1933-1945”. The group does not want to accept the fact that “roma and Sinti hostile chants are also heard at present in the German stadiums,” – said in the event text of the film in the evening.

The Initiative is committed according to its own mission statement, “for diversity, human Coexistence and against racism”. In the past, she held evenings on the topics of escape and football, or the border of good taste in banners in the stadium.

Film about a series of murders in Hungary

“The group was originally created from the idea of Refugees in the context of Hertha BSC to help to organize so, for example, joint stadium visits or participate in the competition,” says Marcel, on behalf of the Initiative. Due to the changes in society and the increased amount of public racist statements, the group had focused “more and more on the topics of Anti-discrimination”. On Monday there is for little money freshly printed stickers with the inscription “Love Hertha. To buy Hate Racism“.

The sad Film “Just the Wind” focuses on a series of murders in Hungary between 2008 and 2009 six Roma were killed and 55 people were seriously injured. The practiced racism against the Sinti and Roma accompanied the Film depicted the daily routine of a family that has to cope with her life between the hiding place and school or work.

Gypsy as a dirty word

in Germany, Sinti and Roma are at a disadvantage, according to the Federal centre for political education, for example, in the case of the apartment search. According to a survey, 57 percent of respondents had a Problem with Sinti and Roma living in their proximity. “With a view to the culture of remembrance for the Nazi period, it is striking that this part of the NS-propaganda and is the subject of persecution still not correct in the context of society,” says Marcel.

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anti-ziganistische incidents in Berlin, exclusion and discrimination of the Roma, apparently, to

Felix Hackenbruch

During the discussion of anti-Gypsy chants in the stadium is told, yet to hear much to often. “Still seems to be a Gypsy’ is a normal swear word. This mostly happens unconsciously, but it just reflects the social conditions“, says Marcel. It is necessary to oppose it and the people about the historical background to educate. Also in the stadium.