DAVOS (Dagbladet): So was the matter settled:

No go faster on skis than John Høsflot Klæbo

Last year’s olympic sprintmester came to Davos with a question mark after a sesonginnledning characterized by hubris, stavbrekk and just like that fit distanseform. How fast was he really this winter?

Now you know both we and the competitors the answer. He is definitely the fastest. In fact, so much faster that all who hope to beat him IN the world cup, really is depending on that the licence fails. Or as the sport’s Federico Pellegrino, the sport’s nestraskeste precisely said the other:

I know that Klæbo is stronger than me. I’m sure of it. Therefore I must be ready when the Klæbo not 100 percent,

When had Klæbo just got broken a rod, and was furious. For the Italian this was a random incident, the character of the usikerhet that always comes with this most dramatic langrennsøvelsen.

But it is also the only thing that this winter stops the fastest.

FOR today everything went without incident, and Klæbo was superb. Best in the prologue, full control of the quarter-and semi-final, and without resistance toward the end of the finale.

The decided he with a change of pace in the latter this is largely due to. Therefore, this was never a spurtoppgjør, but he has developed even higher maximum speed to fix it also.

most of all, fixes the Baptist press.

HE has been pressed in this trail before. Just one year ago he had won everything in the forefront of the Davos-sprint, but still there were some that simply were not convinced about the qualities:

– Inside a flat and lightning fast disturbance like this, can anyone of us asked down the John, ontario, one of the Swedish sprinters in Davos squad. In advance.

In the race itself took John a playful victory against Pellegrino. Best Swedish was number 20, and the man with the pessimistic assessment of the sprintmesterens speed on the run was even number 29.

STILL had this swede a point. Just the top speed in freestyle and hold on the run, has not been considered as the very best of John their qualifications as a skier.

A month later, in one was it possible to see when Pellegrino spurtslo him in the paddeflate trail in Dresden, although the Italian was far more humble in the assessment of this knepne victory:

Superprolog of Klæbo

– Now I get at least something to tell the grandkids. I have really turned to John, said Pellegrino, and forgot in the move that it was he who was the reigning world champion in the sprint freestyle.

When John at just 21 years of age ravaged their worst in the first few months last winter, it was easy to forget it. So superb was the Norwegian yndlingen.

BUT even at its most sovereign he took not everything on the go. It is the rare mixture of speed, a violently jerks and unique tactical understanding which has made that John is still only 22 and already with three OLYMPIC gold medals and victory in the overall world cup title.

The previous Davos-the victory was an example of it. When he stopped in the field in front of the first ground both in the semi-finals and finals, just to set the suddenly top speed. On the way he gave not the competition the advantage of getting close to the border in nedkjøringene prior to inversion, and went easy from.

ACTUAL the world cup trail in Seefeld invites you not to the same tactical grips. Where is it most likely the actual top speed that matters. All the more gratifying is it to see that a Norwegian sprintlag have the go into even if it is a bit random was with Klæbo on the podium.

Prologue in fartsløypa in Davos was a Norwegian styrkedemonstrasjon with John, and five runners among the 15 best. So was He Turvoll Fossli knocked down by Pellegrino in the run in the semifinals, while Eirik Brandal ended up in the last semi-final. It provides rare success in the final.

THIS the width makes the world cup the outlet difficult. The only thing that surely has chosen the right, is Petter Northug. No matter how sad it is not to be able to play with the thought of what he could have performed up to the winter championships, tells the results that he hardly would have been place in the Norwegian world cup squad.

it is good. And the best part is that it contains its clearly the fastest, although John any time talk down the position:

I’m happy for every single victory in the world cup. Especially now that it has buttet the contrary, he said straight afterwards, and told how difficult the seemingly easy world cup-the trail really is:

Where is it easy to hang out with in the stream, and then also the French dangerous. Both Lucas Chanavat and Baptiste Gros is very fast. So we along the way today, and in the world cup, they can just as easily keep all the way in.

But it does enough also John Høstflot Klæbo.

Italian star warns Klæbo:- do Not hiss you up