the Future looks bright for frugtvinene at home, for here we have the opportunity to put us in a niche in the wine production, and we have a good story. Secondly, we have a number of classic, noble, and older varieties, both berries and fruits. And with a long history of distilling in the country, particularly through at the distilleries, it is obvious to cultivate both the fruit spirits and as fruit wines are concerned, more than we do now. And since the competition internationally as fruit wines are concerned not near as big as conventional wines, here is perhaps a greater opportunity to compete on quality and price with foreign countries.

Several people have thrown themselves over the cherries at home. Most well-known is without a doubt Frederiksdal gods on the island of Lolland.

It was a bit of a coincidence, which meant that we today are faced with good and well an annual production of a quarter of a million bottles of cherry wine at the castle of Frederiksdal on the island of Lolland. It was during a private lunch in 2006, the now three driving forces behind the project met, and the idea of creating a wine of cherry was born. The three are the estate owner, Harald Crab, the chef and caterer Jan Friis-Mikkelsen and journalist Morten Brink Iwersen.

Frederiksdal Gods have always been known for its cherries, which through many years has been sold as fruit of high quality. But just the high quality of the stevnskirsebærret and the high acid, which is found in carriers, meant especially Jan and Morten would make them suitable for wine. And the three decided to jump out in the project with the goal of creating the best wine on the cherries in the world.

Frederiksdal wine is produced first and foremost by stevnskirsebærret Birgitte, originally developed for the must and wine. Berry is rich in color, sugar and acid. It is complemented with varieties Vester Skovgård and Poul Ejvind, and the berries come from a total of five plantations of cherry trees on a total of 44,7 hectares near the estate, which lies entirely to the west of the island of Lolland, not far from Tårs and the ferry landing. One of the sunniest and warmest parts of Denmark, in a climate specially suited to the red berries.

During the harvest, which usually occurs the first week in september, the cherries manually selected after the mechanical harvesting. In addition, a non-human harvest, very similar to that of olivenhøsten, where the tree is shaken and the ripe berries are caught in a net and thus not harmed.

Then spontangæres the berries three to five days in a big tank, where the berries daily is pumped from the bottom to the top in order to put more time in the fermentation and extraction. Then place the cherries in the special båndpresse made for the berries, which gently presses without having too much pressure of the stones with the juice. The finished juice ferments further in stainless steel tanks for 8 to 14 percent alcohol, depending on the vintage, and in individual years, be adjusted with alcohol and sugar depending on the natural sugar and syreniveau in the year group cherry.

There are used various methods to make the various wines. Standardvinen be made in steel tanks and flaskes directly from here after a long fermentation at around 2 months. Sur lie is stored in the precipitate, which gives a fuller wine. The Reserve is stored in oak barrels for up to 30 months. And then made wine in the solera system, where the mix of several vintages, and stored for a longer time. Finally made a wine in the rancio style, where the wine stands out in the free nature in the large glass containers year-round. Here comes the local climate to his right – a method which be used in particular in the south of France, where bl.a. use the to the red dessert wines Maury and Banyuls.

if you Buy a bottle of cherry brandy, one need not drink the entire bottle with the same. It can without problems keep in a month’s time, and especially if you put it cool.

Try the evs. these:


Frederiksdal | 179 kr.

Quite successful sparkling cherry wine. The freshness from the acid and the bubbles make the otherwise slightly heavy cherry wine good. Nice balanced, with a nice intensity and a long finish. A cheeky welcome beverage or fruit desserts. Alc.: 11%


Frederiksdal | 189 kr.

Vermouth is on its way back again and it is a breath of fresh air to engage in a variant based on the cherry wine. Extremely spicy in the nose and taste. Very concentrated, with cherry, orange, citrus and the classic wormwood in the taste. Nicely balanced but a tad too heavy and after a glass of if you have had enough. Alc.: 15,5%


Frederiksdal | 249 kr.

A very close and very nice kirsebærlikør where the concentration balanced by the fresh acid. Sweet and intense in flavor. A shot of my optics from Frederiksdal. Alc.: 17%

Frederiksdal | 159 dkk.

Lots of cherry in the aroma. Easier than previous editions and wrapped in a nice acid. Lots of intensity in taste and a neat finish. Alc.: 14%

Frederiksdal | 199 kr.

Enkeltmarksvin and spontangæret in 3-5 days. Then stored for 18 months in 225 – and 400-litre French wooden barrels. A highly dense and elegant wine, where the longer fadlagring can be sensed. The taste of young berries, kaffepunch, licorice, pepper and vanilla. A round and soft wine with a long aftertaste. Server the to game dishes or cheese. Alc.: 14%

Frederiksdal | 279 kr.

This wine is matured in big glass containers, which stand outside all year round. Then aged in large cognacfade. This provides an oxidized style and a more brownish wine with flavors of overripe cherries, leather, tobacco and spices. Exciting wine to nøddedesserten. Alc.: 14,5%