“German goalkeeper on the Swedish star: ”I will miss her””
“Nilla Fischer will leave Wolfsburg in the summer.”
“who regrets the move a little extra are the team and the German national team Almuth Schult, 28.”
“I will miss her,” says the goalkeeper.”
“The German national team is on site in Stockholm. Friday trained the players at the Friends Arena, where the match is played on Saturday.”
“It is a friendly meeting ahead of the summer world CUP.”
“There are also some extra friendship between some of the players.”
“”’ve said it both””
“the national Team’s goalkeeper Almuth Schult plays in Wolfsburg. She comes to the summer need to look new roommate at the team’s away games.”
“currently, Sweden’s Nilla Fischer, move home to Sweden and Linköping.”
“– of Course I will miss her, ” says the goalkeeper and continues:”
” We have said both that we can’t imagine that we will not be together in the summer and next season. She said I will miss you, and I said I will miss you. Maybe we can call each other if we both have away games. It is not in our heads now, it will become a reality only in the summer.”
“They have continued a season in Germany left to finish.”
“But first a prestigemöte between the players’ national team. One direction ahead of the summer championship to be singled out.”
“– I look forward to it. It will be fun. We always play together normally , but tomorrow we are opponents.”
“You will see the top of the fixed situations?”
” of Course. There will be a free kick or a corner so she will be there, it is always she. She is one of the best players in the team, she is experienced and she has a very good character.”