Johan Bruyneel is a bitter man. After he in 2014, was sentenced to ten years in quarantine and later lifelong quarantine for a comprehensive dopingarbejde together with its protege Lance Armstrong, he has pointed out that he has just been the scapegoat for an entire generation’s ills.

In an interview with the belgian magazine of interaction have not done, he is once again the line up.

For he can not grab the double standards prevailing among the many leaders in today’s cycling, who preach the ‘pure sport’, but even have a negative past.

– It is the hypocrisy that hurt the most. When I hear former colleagues, who are busy on tv, I’m thinking, ‘do what you will, but do not talk about doping,’ says Johan Bruyneel.

Madiot is a hypocrite, believe Bruyneel. Photo credit: Shutterstock

The 55-year-old belgian using Marc Madiot as an example. Groupama-FDJ-manager strongly reject doping, but since he himself was active, it was different, remember Bruyneel:

I drove my first foreign stage races as andenårs professional. I was completely smashed down among holdbilerne, but did everything I could to complete the course.

– at the Time was dopingkontrollerne done by a draw, which was published via the løbsradioen halfway through the stage.

– Madiot fell back to holdbilen, heard that he was taken, rolled the sleeve up and put a syringe in the arm.

– Then accelerated again and then left, not the front. The picture has followed me through life.

– And these are the men who condemn Lance and me, says Johan Bruyneel.

In his optics was virtually all of the riders dopet years back. In any case, those who had played a part in races and win them. But it does not mean that they were the wrong winners, points out Bruyneel.

– It is very simple. All the masters were the best in their generation

– In the 1990s, everyone had access to the same medications: bloddoping and the epo. Greg LeMond has always said that ‘I’m the only clean win.’ Bullshit. He drove always for the French team, and they were the kings of cortisone.

– you Can really imagine, that he took something? He beat Hinault and Fignon, who have admitted doping (it is, however, only Fignon, ed.).

– You can’t beat the best in the world, there is dopet, without taking anything. But LeMond was the best of his generation, like Hinault, Anquetil, Merckx and Indurain. And also Lance.

Madiot is the teammanager of the FDJ. Photo credit: Shutterstock

Johan Bruyneel reached as a rider to win two stages of the Tour de France and a Vuelta a España, but it was as sports director, he really had success.

Here he was on the US Postal/Discovery to win the Tour eight times – seven times with Lance Armstrong and one with Alberto Contador. The latter took he with to Astana and won the year after the Giro d’italia and the Vuelta, before there came a spanner in the works, as Armstrong made a comeback in 2009, however, ended with a Tour victory for Contador.

It led to the formation of the Radioshack team, which Bruyneel retired in 2012, after the u.s. anti-doping agency released its report on Lance Armstrong’s extensive doping program, which is largely involved Bruyneel.

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