On the planet earth are phenomena that people are always confronted with a puzzle. No matter, whether in science, in culture or in Sport. The Eisbären Berlin are experiencing such a Situation. After half of the main round in the German hockey League (DEL) is the team of coach Clement Jodoin in the table only on place eight. On Sunday, she suffered a nasty 1:4 home defeat against the Grizzlies Wolfsburg, the Penultimate in the DEL, which had previously only play one of their 14 away win. “I don’t know what it is,” said goal-scorer Jonas Müller after the game, shrugged his shoulders and speculated: “Perhaps it needs a better setting, or perhaps we have been too tired.”

13 418 spectators came on Sunday afternoon looking forward to in the Arena at the Ostbahnhof, in the end the club were tents whistles can hardly ignore. “Our Job is to show performance. And if you can’t make the whistle, the Fans also have the right to,“ said Jodoin. Really great ideas to get the polar bears in this season is still too few on the ice, one of them was there on the Sunday before the table leaders in Mannheim (3:2). To talk currently of a crisis, would also be covered. The Berliner, however, have some problems that are obvious. “We have to meet, statistically speaking, not even twice per game at Five-on-Five, we have to be better”, has recognized the coach of the polar bears. And: “We may not have been organized in the first half of the season as we would have liked.” The League this season is very balanced, and overall “better than in the past”. Therefore, his players would have to be “time and Time again,” if you go on the ice.

But there are other reasons why it’s running so far to the request to the Vice-master, who was in the pre-season at half-time under coach Uwe Krupp is still table leader. Of course there have been many failures, but in the meantime, the hospital is manageable. The team plays for weeks in the same Formation. Automatisms yet. Especially in the Offensive. With 70 goals scored and Berlin are the only place twelve of the 14 Teams in the DEL, apart from Jamie MacQueen or Brendan Ranford (both ten hit), there are no real Scorer. Third-best scorer in Florian Kettemer even a defender. Sean Backman to stop in year-on-year in the first half of the season, hardly, has, so far, only met five times – not even Five against Five. And Louis-Marc Aubry, in the last Play-offs is still the superior man in the polar bear, it brings even only three hits in the first 26 Games.

“We need to solve our problems behind closed doors,”

the new additions were the Disposals do not really forget. Nicholas Petersen may have been in the Team because of his diva-like nature controversial, on the ice, he had many moments of light, of which his colleagues often took advantage. A similar strong number such as the Petersen, Sheppard, and Backman, the polar bears have this season. In Ranford and Colin Smith, hope not, came full striker, and you will have brought the Team so far. This is even more true for Mark Cundari, the was obliged, as offensively strong defenders of Augsburg, most recently as a supernumerary foreigners but only a tribune, was the guest – also because he has disappointed before. “It doesn’t help to point fingers at anyone. We need to solve our problems behind closed doors,“ said Jodoin.

Two New could, however, take the polar bears had not planned before the season. Florian Kettemer was only intended as a gap filler in the defense, because Berlin had begun the preparation with some injured defensive players. Kettemer was only a contract until 30. November, now to be extended – or, better, the extended had to be, because of the 32-not played for Years just to good to keep him. The second great restraint in the first half of the season goalkeeper Kevin Poulin, who was brought in after the injury of Marvin Cupper and the polar bears since then, many a point has been secured. Problem: Poulin gets almost no breaks, because Jodoin has lost confidence in Maximilian specialises and Cupper is still missing. To believe from today’s perspective, that the athletic Director wanted to actually ride with the Duo Cupper/specialises the season.

another serious deficit in the discipline in the Team. No team takes more Two-minute penalties than the polar bears. The number game is now very solid, however, the players also bring a lot of positions, even getting back out of the offensive rhythm. With regard to the second half of the season, Jodoin says: “Since the Talent will decide, but every game is a battle.”

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Eisbären Berlin of the football season 2018/19 Only Eighth to the mid-point of the main round

Claus Vetter, Jörg Leopold, Jan Schröder

The Good: The residue of the polar bear to the front is manageable. Even first place is not completely out of reach. Berlin should reach to the following 26 Games, actually, that would be according to the current state, however, a further phenomenon that could hardly explain.