Erhvervsmanden Lars Seier Christensen had near got risengrøden wrong in the neck, when he lillejuleaftensdag could read, that There Was not much left over for Caroline Wozniacki and his decision to settle abroad – far away from the restrictive Danish rules.

” refuse to would determine the tennisstjernen to this Year’s Dane, which she is set to Berlingske, because she does not pay his taxes in Denmark.

But it is completely out in the woods, according to Lars Seier Christensen, in a post he put on facebook.

Miserably by Bertel Haarder. A man who all his life lived of the taxpayers ‘ money teaches others about how they must dwell, and where they should pay taxes, thunders Lars Seier and call it ’incredible disrespect’ to danes living abroad ’in the periods of their lives and who often return home with valuable experience and financial resources’.

– It is as if he believes that tax is the only conceivable reason to leave Denmark – but I can assure that the kind of provincialism and rhetoric, the Visual represents, certainly can be a contributing factor. The spirit of adventure, education and a better business environment can be others, writes Lars Seier Christensen.

Bertel Haarder is a former minister and a long-time member of Parliament for the Left. He sits in the committee to choose who will be announced as this Year’s Dane.

– Who is Caroline Wozniacki’s an obvious issue, but because she does not pay tax in Denmark, I could not dream of to set her, says Bertel Haarder, according to in an interview with the Newspaper of Denmark, which among other things is brought in Jydske Vestkysten.

the Reason She’s in the the case nature of her Australian Open triumph in January. The first Grand Slam title in singles ever by a player who, for years, or else has represented Denmark around on the ground.

And just the fact is important to get with, writes Lars Seier.

– Caroline is in the degree of an ornament of Denmark and a great ambassador for the country. She seeks out other climes, where there cared for her talent, instead of talking her down, damn no wonder he writes with a raised index finger to Denmark and the jante law.

You can read all of Lars Seier Christensen’s post below.

Caroline Wozniacki has lived in Monaco since she was 16 years old. The obvious reason was the better training conditions and a far more appealing tax system. The family Wozniacki has never even told that one had to be ’escaped’ from the Danish rules.