“Kryptovalutahandlare robbed – beaten with a drill,”

“A loud knocking was heard at the door of the Dutch bitcoinhandlaren. “

“Then stormed three masked offenders check – in and battered the man with a drill in front of his four-year-old daughter. “

“the Police have not stated what the robbers had been looking for.”

“Dutch police have allocated vast resources to investigate a robbery that occurred Sunday, February 10 late in the evening. “

“When the 38-year-old bitcoinhandlaren opened the door after the noisy knacken stormed the three robbers into the home where only the man and his four-year-old daughter was. “

“Beaten for over an hour.”

“the Robbers were masked and dressed in bulletproof vests and is reported to have had polisrockar. According to the task they shall first have declared themselves to be police officers and armed with weapons have begun to threaten the 38-year-old. “

“During the prolonged misshanden who took the have severely damaged the man – among other things, by drilling in his body, according to Dutch De Telegraaf. “

“The four-year-old daughter to have witnessed the beating, which lasted for over an hour when the father screamed in pain. “

“the Police have not gone out with details about what the robbers have been looking for, but according to De Telegraaf newspaper Dagblad van het Noorden working man to trade with kryptovalutan bitcoin. “

“You have not agreed details of exactly how the torturous beating should have gone to. “

“– It is a part of the pre-trial investigation and to go out with specific details could harm the investigation, ” says police presstalesperson Paul Heidanus to De Telegraaf. “