The former superligatopscorer Emiliano Marcondes was among the players who were mentioned by name as Brøndby coach Alexander Zorniger earlier in december criticized the mentality of the Danish talents.

a year ago switched Marcondes to Brentford in the second-best English superliga, where the breakthrough yet lets wait.

The 23-year-old striker has since switched been injured several times, and he feels, therefore, that the criticism is fair.

Immediately I thought, well, why does he need to say it?

– Really, people can say what they will, but I just feel that he does not know, how we have it mentally, says Emiliano Marcondes for TV3 Sport.

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Emiliano Marcondes believes that Alexander Zorniger have shot quite wrong in his criticism. Photo: Jens Dresling

Alexander Zorniger has come in storms. Photo: Ritzau Scanpix / Anders Kjærbye

in addition to Marcondes said Alexander Zorniger in its criticism also Andreas Maxsø and Marcus Ingvartsen, who also has a past in the Danish superliga and beyond.

Emiliano Marcondes do not believe that the Brøndby coach has set a proper into the three players ‘ situations.

– He says something out from what he believes. I think it is a little unfair, when we have been injured, and that only a year has passed with most of us, explains the attacker.

– But I feel that it is shot completely wrong. I feel that our core competencies – the three of us – just the mental.

Emiliano Marcondes was the top scorer in the League with 17 goals in a halvsæson, when he last winter left the FCN to switch to Brentford, where he has not yet come on the measured breeding in 16 førsteholdskampe.

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See the full documentary, where Marcondes considering switching to Brøndby here: