The 38-year-old photographer Jennifer Mancuso from Ohio is the mother of four daughters – four-year-old Parker, Piper three years and tvillingepigerne Aria and Asher, who is a year and a half old. In addition to her three stepchildren, Adriana, Vegah and Copeland respectively thirteen, nine and seven years.

On his Instagram page on his own website, and even with a large number of videos on Youtube, the 38-year-old mother about it, she calls its ’twin ammerejse’.

The 38-year-old photographer and mother of seven often share photos of her breastfeeding with her readers and followers on the internet. Photo: MDWfeatures / @jennifer.mancuso

After having breastfed her two oldest girls until they themselves chose to say stop, ’tandem breastfeeding’ she namely now the twins, and has therefore largely breastfed nonstop for four years.

And it gives therefore rise to a number of images, and breastfeeding-related stories, such as Jennifer Mancuso eagerly share on the web.

One of his stories about the challenges he encounters as a nursing mother of twins, she has shared with the Media Drum World.

Jennifer Mancuso is working with its own words, to ‘normalize’ breastfeeding in public spaces. She does by sharing his own experiences and by drawing attention to experiences of which she had in her tvillingedøtres kindergarten. Photo: MDWfeatures / @jennifer.mancuso

Here she tells about a day back in august of 2017, where she, according to his own statements were met with criticism, as she sat down in the nursery to breastfeed her tvillingedøtre.

Immediately, says Jennifer Mancuso to the media-buying agency, asked an employee to her about moving the entire breastfeed-the scene into a tiny compartment, with reference to the fact that some of the children in the institution was in the ‘school-age’, which made it inappropriate for them to see her breastfeed.

Jennifer Mancuso has given birth to four children within three years. The first two breastfed she to they even said stop. The two youngest still get the chest. Photo: MDWfeatures / @jennifer.mancuso

– The leader voted in, and said that it was also to protect the other parents who could be offended by it because of their religion. I’m still high and walked in disbelief back home and shared it on my Instagram, telling the 38-year-old mother.

because of my planning with the two older children, it works best for me to breastfeed the twins at the drop off and pick up, she says to the Media Drum World.

According to her report about the unnamed kindergarten continued with a part, disagree ordvekslinger between her and the leader. But none of them would, according to the mother give.

Jennifer Mancuso was close to pulling the children out of the institution, but she could not be able to find a new preschool with such short notice. So she ended up reluctantly pulling the daily kindergarten-feedings into personalerummet, which, she says, was not much bigger than a wardrobe.

The 38-year-old mother has been very confident about her breastfeeding. So she is glad that it was her and not a novice mother, who was asked to package the breastfeeding together and move into a small compartment. Photo: MDWfeatures / @jennifer.mancuso

Right up until a day in late september, when the leader suddenly had changed their position and apologized that it was because she, herself, had misunderstood the site’s policy about privacy. Jennifer Mancuso replied that she is not at all felt this kind of error was acceptable.

Later that evening I was rung up by the manager, who was very apologetic. She explained that she was very upset by his comments. She could see how uncomfortable it could make a new or unsure breast-feeding mother, tells Jennifer Mancuso.

After having given birth to four children within three years, and breastfed them all together, feel Jennifer Mancuso pretty confident about its ’breastfeeding journey’. It puts she certainly does not hide either on its website or on its profiles in the social media. So, even if she was angry about the nursery injunction, it was not something that could get her to stop breast-feeding, whether in the public or in the whole.

Photo: MDWfeatures / @jennifer.mancuso

But she tells the story of his experience to the Media Drum World, because she would like to make aware of the problem and to avoid the new, more insecure mom will be greeted with the same skepticism.

– I could just be stormed out and put my children in a different school, but I did not. I saw an opportunity to teach someone a lesson. Is it not precisely what normalization is all about, ask Jennifer Mancuso.

Meet also Cecilie, who was thrown out of Deichmann, since she nursed her daughter. -I was so shocked and embarrassed, she said to Ekstra Bladet.