IT is a historical link between today’s best Norwegian langrennsløper and number 100 on the list of “The best Norwegian skiers” as the Newspaper now has set up together with the renowned skihistorikeren Thor Gotaas. For without the scientist, polar adventurer and always socially engaged Fridtjof Nansen had there not been some Nansen club up in dalsbygda, upon application to the far north in Østerdalen, where Therese Johaug has grown up.

It was just the skin from the polarheltens the magic of skiing over Greenland that made the villagers in 1898, wrote to the Fridtjof Nansen with the request to get call up the new local his after him. The people in the village was like the rest of Norway in gledesrus over everything that Nansen had managed.

Hillbillies was a national icon for tens of thousands of skiers. Throughout the country people began to play on the ski, and now there are also up to the steep fields in smellvakre dalsbygda, upon application. The first klubbrennet for girls and boys, was held the winter; a kind of fit relaxed local competition as Therese Johaug struggled around in the same type of barneskirenn hundred years later.

IN the NANSEN COSTUME: Therese Johaug played in the jersey of the Nansen at the time, she didn’t quite knew if she was going to be a football player or skier. PHOTO: Private Show more

IT was when my mom Finally felt sorry for her because it was so late in relation to the other kids:

my Mom didn’t have quite the faith in me when I was a little girl. It was a good friend of mine who was much better, and even though I was sprutrød in tryne, and had the will, she went easy and playful from me. Mom stood and cheered at me, but she think, “poor Therese, how long order you to keep on with this”, said Therese Johaug to Dagbladet after his first world cup gold.

The sympathy was well in excess.

FRIDTJOF NANSEN skibragder was a crucial contribution to make cross-country skiing to the Norwegian nasjonalsport. In the book “On skis over Greenland,” which told about the expedition of his through the ice from 1888 to 1889 , he described this sport for readers:

“Skiløbningen is the most nationale af all Norwegian idrætter, and a wonderful idræt is it, — deserves no name af idrætternes idræt, saa is the isandhed it.” , stated Nansen who was the celebrity for this trip. When he ten years later let out of the ship Fram towards the north Pole, was it a journey for a nation.

‘ll never Forget hetsen: “It was purely painful to look at how the girls came into gjennomsvette” Dagbladet Plus

WHERE fast he was skiing, it is not possible to schedule. Space number 100 on this list reflects the importance, like the four that follow right in front of him. Oddmund Jensen, Kristen Kvello, Ingrid Wigernæs and forget that no schools Lundemo were all strong konkurranseløpere, but gained even greater influence through how they shaped modern English, of course. Kvello and Jensen as the first professional coaches, Wigernæs as a mother for the skijentene we now take for granted and Lundemo as coach against the cross-country skiing as a modern competitive sports with all the economic and ethical challenges it has brought.

It was not so when Ingrid Wigernæs worked kvinnelangrenn up in the 1960s. While skijentene recent years, have passed the guys in the reklameverdi, had the sport of skiing for women with low status both among the public and in the environment.

On the ranking of the 100 best skiers through the ages, it is possible to see this difference through the total number of girls on the list (25). It’s been so low because both the national and international banks are less.

THEREFORE you will find already two-time OLYMPIC medalist on this bottom fjerdeparten of the list. Inger Aufles won bronze in the 10km in 1968, and was a few days later, the OLYMPIC champion in the relay together with Babben Enger and Berit Mothers. It was Norway’s first olympic gold in kvinnelangrenn.

the Rest is a Norwegian sports history, and it will inform this list when we Saturday get to the top positions. Never have the Norwegian cross-country been stronger than after that the girls got at least the same good team as the guys.

Large selection: Norges 100 best cross-country skiers of both sexes to the Newspaper Plus

IT is one of the reasons why Norway in the last decades has dominated this sport. Where to find and swedes long was better than us throughout the years after the second world war, changed the most through the systematic English training and betting against the Lillehammer OLYMPICS.

It seems on this first part of the prestisjelista with the runners from number 100 to 76. Here you will find, for example, Emil Iversen no later last week got their first Norwegian CHAMPIONSHIP gold, and do not yet have international medals. This winter has shown that he still is moving up in the ranking of the best Norwegian cross-country skiers.

Now drag him to the world cup as medaljekandidat in several exercises. He succeeded, is it the short way all the way to the forefront among the 100 best. So high is the level of international herrelangrenn, and the Uk as the best nation along with Russia.

EMIL his success also has something to do with the past. He comes from the historically strong skimiljøet on the Meråker which types of Frode Estil and dad, Ole Morten Iversen has managed the traditional Norwegian langrennstreningen with great success.

Langrennssportens unique position in the Norwegian sports has made athletes from other skiidretter like to have tried themselves in the competitions. It is, therefore,

the middle of norway, beating the alarm about the Finnish doping and got to suffer the rest of your life

skiskytterlegenden Ole Einar Bjørndalen is inside of this list, after having been taken into the dramatic 3-mila during the OLYMPICS in Salt Lake City in 2002.

On the overview of the places from 76 to 100 of the best Norwegian cross-country skiers, is also kombinertløperen Oddbjørn Hagen. He competed in the 1930s when it to be skier still often concerned about both the jumping and cross country skiing.

SO it was with Johaugs klubbkamerat Annar Ryen while growing up. He was on the stafettlaget who took world CHAMPIONSHIP gold in 1937. It would go 29 years before Norway won a gold medals in relay again. Annars quality as a skier, you’ll find again in an excited report from Fædrelandsvennen as NM two years later was added to the Kristiansand:

– Easy and free, he came creeping out of the forest. He got eyes on the forhøiningen, took a pair of double wooden, and took the pile as another hedge, if out dompen on the other side to get a little extra glide and speed on skis, and sailed about which he would say: “So shall it be done”.

Not least of those who still go for the jersey to Nansen.

Norwegian girls rocks international stars: – Is it really true?