There are cold facts on the table from Lars Lokke Rasmussen on Friday night.

He must give a clear message on what needs to happen with the regions. How does it sound from the more Left-people within a crucial hovedbestyrelsesmøde at the Crown Plaza in Ørestad.

– I come from southern Jutland, who runs the (region, ed.), Frank says Wichmann, who is kommuneformand in the Left in Fredericia, denmark, and a member of the confederation, on the way into the hotel with the strange ability to house political højdramatik.

– Let us hear what Lars Løkke has to say. We know much more, when we have been to meeting today, he continued.

the Article continues under the picture

– Frank Wichmann look forward to hearing what Loop has to say to his defense. Photo: Jonas Olufson

Also from the north puts the party members clamps on the prime minister.

– As nordjyde I do not trust to our health care system in north Jutland will be handled completely well, if it must be taken care of here, where we stand here in Copenhagen, says Henrik Buchhave, a member of the Region of north Jutland, member of the executive committee, to TV2’s camera.

the Extra Leaf has found itself at the Crown Plaza through Friday afternoon. Most participants choose to thank the “no thanks” to their published requests for interview.

When the microphone is turned off try the Left-the management and their employees to produce tonight’s meeting as ih and oh so dramatic.

Completely into leadership is the expectation, however, that the prime minister at tonight’s meeting to give his fellow party members answer to what really is his and the government’s plan for the regions.

Former member of the Danish Parliament Jørgen Winther find those dramatic words above, when he shall express his wish that the Loop gets mouth on slipped.

– Lars Løkke, are committing political suicide with his hesitation and his attitude to the regions. The left is on its way to becoming fragmented, says Jørgen Winther, who is regionsrådsmedlem and former longtime sundhedsordfører in the Liberal party folketingsgruppe, to Jyllands-Posten.

the Other day wrote the presidents of the Liberal party 54 regionsmedlemmer an open letter to Lars Løkke Rasmussen, in which they called for to preserve the regions.

Søren Gade, former minister and group chairman, has also spoken out against the plans for closure.

Extra Magazine tried earlier today to get Lars Løkke to comment on the internal criticism up to the meeting, but without success.

the Danish policy – 11. jan. 2019 – at. 15:04 Internal trouble: ‘Cold’ Loop to dramamøde

the Regions

There are five regions in Denmark, which has the main task to manage the healthcare system.

the Regions are led by regional councils with a total of 205 members.

54 the Left-people are elected to the regional.

the Regions replaced 14 counties, which were identified in connection with local government reform in 2007, Lars Løkke Rasmussen as the lead architect.

in Addition to the health regions also influence on the regional development within the bl.a. nature and environment, business, tourism, employment, education and culture as well as the development in the regions, remote areas and rural areas.

Source: ministry of Finance