She celebrated her 95th birthday on July 2, in the company of François Hollande, Florent Pagny and Dany Boon. Line Renaud is in great shape since she has just finished filming a fictional film on the theme of the end of life, Le Prochain Voyage, with actor Jean Sorel. The idea of ​​​​death seems to haunt her since with our colleagues from Gala she returned to the evocation of her last days.

This energetic woman, who for many years was the standard bearer in the fight against AIDS, wishes to leave for eternity in the most peaceful way possible, close to those she loves: “I will be at la Jonchère, in my bed with my dog ​​Pirate next to me, if he is still alive. I will pet him, I will ask him to come closer to me and he will come closer. I will be surrounded by all my relatives with whom I will speak. It should all be happy. I want to leave a soothing image. My friends want me to leave without suffering. And it is decided without law I will die in resistant .

This sad moment for his admirers and for his friends Line Renaud prepares it and is not afraid to speak about it publicly. She even affirms without extending that she thought of her funeral: “Everything is ready, no one will have to take care of it”.

While waiting for this painful moment, Line Renaud continues to live with the joie de vivre that we know. She never renounced coquetry. In an outing without hypocrisy, she confessed that she had resorted to cosmetic surgery: “I had eyelids that drooped, a bit like those of François Hollande. In the dressing rooms of the Casino de Paris, I could no longer wear make-up on my eyes. Sacred Line Renaud, 95 years with flowers and still this grain of madness and fantasy.