Ali Issa, Ahmad has recently spent his holidays in the United Arab Emirates. Because at the same time the Asia Cup was held, decided the Briton, the game is Qatar’s view on Iraq. As he was after the game on the way home, he was wearing a Qatar T-Shirt and was holding another in the Hand, was suddenly attacked by Unknown. They beat him up and cracks him to the body of the Hand.
Ahmad did not offer, and went to the police station to report the attack. Now the 26-Year-old himself in custody. Reason: In the UAE, it is not allowed “to show sympathy for Qatar,” as reports in various media means. An official media spokesperson for the UAE denied this statement, the Briton had not been arrested “because he was wearing a Qatar-Shirt”. But because he had made false statements and police time wasted.
warning Qatar-sympathy
According to the spokesman, Ahmad have said that he had been beaten in the attack. He was brought in by the police to a doctor, this is to have found that the Fan is supposed to have inflicted the injuries himself. Ahmad is said to have been the result of the false statement. Now it is made in the UAE in the process, said the spokesperson.
A friend of the arrested told the BBC, Ahmad was simply a Person who love sports to the extreme. “I don’t think he knew that he would get in the UAE problems, if he would wear a specific Fan t-Shirt.”
support The UAE and other countries in the Region have accused Qatar on several occasions, radical Islamic groups. The relations between Qatar and the UAE are under no good star. So the foreign office in the UAE, on its Website, warns that since June of 2017, to show that “sympathy for Qatar, on social media or other means of communication, is prohibited”. Who does not believe it, could be arrested and fined. (hua)
Created: 06.02.2019, 10:06 PM