The official representative of Argentina in Spain is the ambassador Ramón Puerta (Apostles, Missions, 1951), engineer, entrepreneur, yerba mate, president fleeting of the Republic into the chaos of institutional, 2001, and a friend of university president, Mauricio Macri, with whom I played soccer in those early days of their friendship. These days before the second leg of the Libertadores Cup final that will be played at the Santiago Bernabéu stadium is also one of the men needed more of Madrid.

Question. how Many entries have you asked for Sunday’s final?

Response. Countless, I would say. But they will be channeling for different models of sale: Boca, River, Conmebol, Real Madrid… I have been asked to just giving the news.


The never-ending match

Q. how Many argentines will come to Madrid for the final?

A. The airlines have all the tickets sold, not only from Buenos Aires but from the capitals that are around Buenos Aires. Have scheduled new flights. One of them said to me two flights, I figured that by day. We are many argentines that we are in Spain and there are many who are going to come. And there are argentines living in other places of Europe also are going to be.

Q. what Deck a figure?

A. how many are you going to come? No, but we are 350.000 argentinians that the embassy has registered in Spain. To this we must add those that are not registered, so there are quite a few. It is difficult to estimate. Are you going to come all the transport capacity you have. Will come to see is incredible.

Q. These days a lot has been said in Argentina that have been stolen in the final. What do you think?

“When it happened the River, we were focused on the G20 and that distracted”

A. I am a great, respectful of the institutions. The Conmebol had to solve a problem; a problem that is occurring not only in Argentina. It has been given in many places. There are countries that could resolve, such as England, Spain even, and there are others that we are in this fight to resolve the issues a bit irrational in matters of passion of football, or of violence if you want to use the term more hard.

Q. At what point are they?

A. I am not a specialist in the matter, but I am, as a good argentinean, football. And I have to admit that I would like that we had already resolved. It is an issue that dragged several decades. Well, that already happened. Today we are in a country that was able to make the G20 more impeccable history. With a history that no one had been able to do. The last, in Hamburg, had problems that in Buenos Aires we have managed to resolve. Want to say that if you lack, when we dedicate ourselves to the things we do.

Q. are they Going to come police argentines to help in the operation?

A. That is what I have read. Intelligence Spanish is very strong, very efficient.

Q. Say they have had very few days to prepare.

A. Yes, but the machines today, cybernetics, quickly resolved what before took us months. And those who misbehave are not many, are very few.

Q. what they are Going to enter the field?

A. I guess that’s not going to come out of Argentina. I attribute what happened to that when it happened, what River we were all focused on the G20, which went very well, had been planning a long time ago, and that distracted the gaze. Well, some neglect there was. Now, I am a supporter of that phrase: “there is No bad that good does not come”. The evil has already occurred. Would not have happened what happened. Goldenbahis That’s already happened. What comes forward is to show the argentine soccer in a stained glass window of the highest level as Madrid.

Q. How it interprets the name “Cup Conquerors” who spread that they would like to play in Madrid?

“Our great hero, San Martin, was Spanish, so we are not in a territory so foreign”

A. Is part of the genius of argentina. The argentines if something we have is that we are resourceful. Also, we enter into a historical discussion, to San Martin, our hero, max, was Spanish, and today we have a space, socio-political, cultural, enormous, that is called Latin america. We are not in a territory so alien. I would have liked to play where you had to play, but let’s look at things also with a vision of this breadth.

Q. What will it mean for the lose?

A. Always losing is a problemón. In our culture, losing is very hard, not only in football. Happens in politics, happens in other disciplines. We are a culture very passionate. The passion is very strong, which is one of the explanations of the parties that are hard to solve: there is a dose of passion is very high.

Q. how to Get the game from there it has lowered the voltage?

A. no, Not at all, for there feeds. The adrenaline builds up. But he is going to walk all well.

Q. And how to win what’s it going to mean?

A. That is going to have to go to Abu Dhabi [laughs]. The one who wins has the satisfaction of having won the great rival of over 100 years of history.

Q. Is very content to be the football fan as he says.

“The sleepless nights are going to be a few for which you touch to lose”

A. Today, I am the ambassador.

Q. who will the ambassador?

A. All know that I am of Mouth. Now, I’m a friend of the River also, and I have great friends in the one and the other team.

Q. With everything that has already happened with this party, do you really play?

A. Until yesterday I had friends who had the tickets reserved, although they claimed that such equipment is not going to travel or such equipment do not want to play. The Conmebol reaffirmed and FIFA reaffirmed and the tickets went on sale, and the tickets have been sold and they say that tomorrow [today] come the two teams.

Q. We are in an environment in which anything seems possible.

A. Yes, everything is possible. Argentina is a country of unpredictable many times. It is not a country where you can plan things out with cent percent security. The argentine is talented. And the argentine is changing also. Both of humor as of position. The imagination goes a long way.

Q. Assuming that plays out, what the end is going to end when you finish the game?

A. [Takes a breath] are Going to continue the discussions. Let’s see how it develops the game. But a Boca-River does not end at the 90th minute, that continues.

Q. As it says, for example, that if Boca loses, will go to the TAS. And River feels harmed by not playing in their stadium. What are produced the story for if they lose?

A. But do not hesitate. That’s what we all do. There is always a reassurance. Should be much more prepared the feast, but if it happens otherwise, arguments will quickly exist. Always this happened. Are the clubs which come from the early TWENTIETH century. They have a long history in this sense.

Q. how is that going to comfort?

A. Oh, no, no, no. That are arguments and nothing more. The heart beats strong and the nights without sleep are going to be a few for which you touch to lose. As enjoy for to touch him to win. This has the connotation of a very strong. Is a source of conversation for many days, before and after.