a month and a Half have passed since the surprising message came that Ole Gunnar Solskjær was the man Manchester United went for as a temporary solution to the trenerspørsmålet after José ^ the academic degree awarded was fired.

Hiring has so far been an unconditional success for klubbdirektør Ed Woodward. Solskjær stands with eight victories and a tie in their first nine matches in the job, and has emerged as a strong alternative to get the job on a permanent basis.

Against Burnley on Tuesday came the first poengtapet. It was not all the fans as satisfied with. Watch the video below.

POENGTAP: the Fans were unhappy with the Solskjærs tactical considerations when the Norwegian went on his first poengtap as the manager of Manchester United in the 2-2 match against Burnley. Video: Kristoffer Løkås View more Had with chocolate

For those who were present when Solskjær first arrived the 21. December, it is perhaps not so surprising that things have gone so well. Former Manchester United player Dion Dublin told about Solskjær’s first day on the job in debattprogrammet The Debate on Sky Sports, and says that it was as if the licence had never done anything else than to lead Manchester United.

The former storspissen was namely happen to be in place at Manchester United’s training grounds Carrington. It was particularly Solskjærs aura and personality that shone on the first day, mean Dublin.

the EXPERT: Dion Dublin had great success in the 90’s as a forward for Coventry and Aston Villa. Photo: NTB Scanpix Show more

I was there on his very first day, when he came to the training ground. He just came in as he had been there his whole life.

– The first thing he did when he arrived at the training ground was to give the receptionist Kath a kiss on the cheek, a disc with Norwegian chocolate, and said it was good to see her again before he went straight up to the office, ” says Dublin.

the Receptionist Kath Phipps, who have been in the club for over 50 years, since 1967, is a highly valued member of the club.

It is not only with the staff Solskjær is coming along well. Both the players and the fans have pressed the Norwegian to her breast, believe the earlier English landslagsspissen.

the Atmosphere has changed at the training ground, it has changed at the stadium on the tickets I have been. When you have players who are happy to play for you and for the club again and it means something to play with klubblogoen you will get results as a manager, ” says an impressed Dublin.

Solskjær-criticism: – Luck disappeared Deserve the praise

Dublin shelves impact Solskjær has had since he took over, and believes the 45-year-old has earned all the praise he gets for that the same players that struggled under Mourinhos management, now flourishes under his leadership.

– Even if we are to give the players all the credit because they’ve been brilliant, they have been, we will have to give Ole commended for this also. When it goes bad, it is the manager’s fault, so maybe it’s the manager’s fault when it goes well also. The players are playing with a bit more freedom. A lot of it is thanks to Ole, ” says Dublin, according to the Manchester Evening News.

Especially rose Dublin band Solskjær has created to the tip of Marcus Rashford. Stortalentet has been on fire after Ole Gunnar Solskjær took over as interim Manchester United manager.

the 21-year-old had only scored four goals on their last 22 matches in the Premier League before kristiansunderen took over. Under the leadership of the former academy coach has Rashford scored five goals in six league matches from the start.

He shall have the praise for Manchester United’s achievements, also for individual players as he has taken to the page. He has said a few words in the ear of Rashford and told him that he should take time when he is in scoringsposisjon, ” says Dublin.

So it went with the other manager-vikarene