“The Risk of dangerous burning in the sun”

“After a long winter, the crowding of the swedes on the country’s solväggar – completely without protection from the harmful UV rays.”

“It is not at all good, the skin is sensitive after the winter,” says Yvonne Brandberg, chairman of the Strålskyddsmyndighetens UV scientific advice.”

“Sandra Andersson, meteorologist at SMHI, explains what affects the UV index.”

“– that which determines is if it will be sunny or not. It looks like it is going to be sunny in many parts of Sweden during the easter weekend.”

“– the Ozone layer come into play. We have just had a couple of days with a rather thin ozone layer over northern Sweden. But it looks like it goes back to more normal levels in the coming days.”

“That depletion of the protective ozone thickness varies is not uncommon.”

“– It has a lot to do with how the air masses meet, moving in the stratosphere. It is located above the layer where we have weather, ” says Sandra Andersson.”

“Poor at protecting itself.”

“Yvonne Brandberg is the chairman of the Strålskyddsmyndighetens UV scientific advice, and professor at Karolinska institutet. She believes that swedes, despite the fact that they know the risks, is a little bit on to protect themselves.”

“– Many feel more attractive and fresh when they are tanned, ” she says.”

“– the Sun has so many positive consequences and the risks of malignant melanoma feels hypothetical and is far away for many.”

“After the winter, the skin is pale and it is easy to burn, which increases the risk of skin cancer, malignant melanoma. Between the hours of 11 and 15, the sun is strongest and the south is even stronger.”

“– that is Why it is important to protect yourself with clothing, sunscreen with a high spf, and sunglasses, ” says Yvonne Brandberg.”

“Every year, it 60 000 skin cancer cases in Sweden. There is a strong connection between burning in the sun and skin cancer.”

“Particularly dangerous is to be burned as a young man in Sweden has malignant melanoma has increased over many years.”

“in Addition to protecting yourself with a wide trim, you should use sunscreen.”

“It is important to know that sunscreen products have their full effect only if used in sufficient quantities.”

“an Estimated you need to rub it in about 35 grams of the sunscreen to protect the entire body of an adult person with a normal-sized physique. This is the equivalent of about six teaspoons of sunscreen.”

“Many people use only half the amount, which means that the protection against solar radiation is also reduced significantly.”

“sunscreen products should contain a combination of different UV filters so that they provide a good enough protection against both UVA – and UVB-radiation.”

“Sources: the Swedish radiation safety authority and the Swedish medical products agency”