The defense of Real Madrid Sergio Ramos announced this Saturday that he wants to take legal action against the media that was echoed by a publication of Football Leaks that revealed abnormalities in two anti-doping controls in Spanish. In a statement released through his account of tuiter, utrera has accused journalists of wanting to “tarnish” his image.

MORE INFORMATION Sergio Ramos had two incidents in anti-doping controls, according to ‘Football Leaks’ “Sergio Ramos was a leader from the fry”

“I’m quiet, yes it is true that it hurts me, and obviously I will take my computer legal measures against this type of people trying to tarnish my status and my career,” said the captain of Real Madrid in the mixed zone on Saturday after the defeat against Eibar (3-0).

“In fifteen years (of the race), I’ve never refused a drug test, on the contrary. I have never breached any rules and I will have spent about 250-300 controls anti-doping, for this I am quiet. But also concerned about the people who try to tarnish my image,” he added.

according To the confidential documents of Football Leaks, the captain of Real Madrid, underwent a doping Nakitbahis control abnormal for a potent corticosteroid on the night of the victory in the Champions League in may 2017, before being acquitted by the UEFA, that he believed that his medication was authorized.

After the end, the anti-doping control the player revealed the presence of dexamethasone, a potent corticosteroid prohibited in-competition by the World anti-Doping Agency (WADA) except for local administration, reported Friday Mediapart, supporting their information in secret documents.

by The medical services of Real Madrid acknowledged to have managed the medication, but by intra-articular injection, something always allowed, and when you notify it to the UEFA. The Real Madrid argued that, in the middle of the celebrations for the achievement of the Champions league, they forgot to give you this notice. This reasoning convinced the international body, which filed the case, warning the white team that she should be more careful in the future.

“it Is an anti-inflammatory for the topic acromio clavicular that I had in the shoulder. But the theme was more than” closed, has clarified about Sergio Ramos. “It is not I who has to detect if there is mafia or not (behind these revelations), the truth just has a way. The lie can tell a thousand different ways, but it is still a lie,” added Ramos, who explained that it is aware of this information for a month and a half. “Both yesterday and the last month ago I slept quietly” settled.