She langer unceremoniously milliardbøder over-the-counter to u.s. tech giants and blocking without further competitive big-concentrations.

However, Denmark’s EU-star number one, the competition commissioner, Margrethe Vestager, will now get the attention-grabbing criticism for its actions in the EUROPEAN commission.

‘commissioner for Competition, Margrethe Vestager from Denmark looks like a clear goal for the Danish erhvervsinteressers lobbyists.’

How to write represented the interests of Corporate Europe Observatory in a report that looked at the 28 EU commissioners ‘ meetings with lobbyists.

Here will be Margrethe Vestager in the chapter ‘Commissioners: the Friends of the national lobbies?’ pointed out together with just a handful of other commissioners, primarily to meet with the Danish lobbyists from the business instead of giving priority to representatives from all EU-countries.

Out of the 41 meetings of the former radical party chairman and the minister met with the Danish lobbyists 24 times. It means that nearly 60 per cent. of the meetings, as the european UNION’s competition commissioner, holds with lobbyists, going on with the Danish lobbyists.

Among other things, Margrethe Vestager met with Danish Industry the whole nine times and with Dansk Erhverv and Dansk Arbejdsgiverforening each three times.

the Report criticizes, in addition, in the strongest terms the EU system to be characterized by ‘shocking’ little transparency.

According to the Corporate Europe Observatory are the many meetings with the lobbyists ‘home’ a serious threat to, among other things Margrethe Vestagers independence as the commissioner.

‘all of these commissioners seem to be serious risk that they seem to have priority lobbymøder with business interests from their home countries. It is also clear that the commissioners occasionally being approached by industries to discuss topics that are not in the vicinity of their own ressortområde’, says the report.

Of the EUROPEAN commission’s website also mentions that Margrethe Vestager has met with A. P. Møller Mærsk as well as with the 3F.

What is the highly paid political star is discussing with the lobbyists, are, in turn, extremely shady.

In the official transparency register shows just an overall mødetema, there typically is something as vague as ’the EU current affairs’ – which loosely translates to ‘currently in the EU.

Ekstra Bladet has tried in vain to get a comment from Margrethe Vestager, but she has not wanted to run up to the interview.

Her cabinet informs the dog to Ekstra Bladet, Vestager has interpreted the ‘mission letter’ – as the 28 commissioners are equipped with, which it appears that they also need to interfere in the national debate in their home countries – as an invitation to meet with the danes.