
– I would like to give you an insight into what actually happened at my workplace.

– I have been bullied for four years, and my boss has tried to manipulate me by saying that I probably own fault in it and that I never admit my mistakes when I make mistakes.

– But try to look at it I have sent to you.

so begins Dennis K a letter to the nation! to be bullied, fired and subsequently let down by his trade union. the
Dennis reports that his job – just about 20 hours per week – flex jobs, and to a single colleague on the small site from the beginning had been mad at him. And Dennis has even a suspicion that the bullying is due to envy. the
His letter – which you are very allowed to comment on, since Dennis would like to have a good advice – continues namely as follows:

– Already after ca. 14 days after I was hired, promised he me whacking while we sat and ate.

– There was not done anything from the boss’s side, and it was the reason I joined the union.

– In the course of the last four years has the same colleague, again and again asked me: Why are you so ugly? And he has said: Smut with you, you are not welcome here.

– eventually the people I me (this was in november), after a bad experience where my colleague did not say ‘go’ in the morning before 3. time. And then I was fired here just after the new year.

– the Union have now been meeting with me and the boss about the dismissal, which I think is about my colleague’s bullying.

– But because the boss has written in my fyreseddel that’s the reason for the termination is the restructuring of the company’, the union did not help me more.

– But I think there is some envy in it – seems I can feel it.

– I’m as envious of them/him when they have the opportunity to earn good money, while such a fleksjobber like me only have the opportunity to get the same each month (14.000 paid).

– Yes I may have early free, but there is enough of a reason to – unfortunately, ends Dennis, who would like to hear if there is anyone who can give him a good advice to what he can do now, where the trade union will not help.