Champions League No first place for Atlético Madrid after just a draw in Jan Breydel and there they had in Spain yet not immediately taken into account. On Oblak after, there is still criticism of the football of ‘Los Colchoneros’, while Club Brugge here and there a more than deserved praise. Sports: “Defence Club was perfect.”

“A lack of ideas condemned Atlético to a scoreloos tie,” writes the Catalan Sport . “The troops of Simeone names from one minute to take matters into your hands, but it lacked depth. Atlético had a lot of inaccuracies in the defence of Club Brugge, which fine was, to tickle. Oblak saved even the furniture on a header from substitute Luan Peres. The team from Madrid showed once again that it is not comfortable, when they play the game themselves. The strategy of Bruges-the ball to the opponent give up – was good.”