“Swedish politicians to be inspired by Denmark”

“Denmark is often mentioned in the Swedish political debate. SD finds inspiration in Danish immigration policy, M in the Danish criminal policy and (C) want to have a Swedish version of the Danish flexicurity.”

“Conversely, there is a large Danish interest in Sweden, but then it is not about inspiration.”

“– Sweden has, of course, on the right side in Denmark used to be intimidated with. The right-hand side in Denmark, using Sweden to show how wrong everything becomes when one is politically correct, ” says Drude Dahlerup, professor in political science at Stockholm university.”

“In connection with the Swedish general election and the record-breaking formation of the government, it was her that Danish journalists called for an analysis of the course of events in Sweden, because she is Danish, a political scientist and has lived 18 years in Sweden.”

“– My huvudintryck was that all the Danish journalists asked: When is Sweden like Denmark?”

“But Sweden is not and will not as of Denmark, is her answer. In the past the great divide, views on immigration, Sweden has, admittedly, put on the policy. But the debate about immigration still sounds completely different in the two neighbouring countries. She believes that Denmark ”

“– In Sweden you ask yourself how to get immigrants integrated, it is more of a socio-economic issue, but in Denmark it is very much about the islam, islam, islam – that muslims can never become democrats, ” says Drude Dahlerup.”

“In Sweden, it is mainly The sweden democrats and the Conservatives which highlights the Danish political proposals.”

“Zonförbud and dubbelstraff”

“the Conservatives, for example, has proposed to double the punishment for a certain crime if it is gängrelaterad, vistelseförbud in certain areas (so-called zonförbud) and temporary visitationszoner, that is to say to the police without brottsmisstanke should be able to search people in areas with a lot of weapons.”

“– When we see that we have a growing problem in Sweden with a new kind of insecurity, so it is clear that we learn from what has worked in Denmark in this area, says Research national spokesperson Johan Forssell.”

“Structured against gängbrott”

“His view is that Denmark has worked considerably more structured and long-term against gängrelaterad crime. Already in 2009, in Denmark, the programme of action ”

“– Sweden and Denmark have very close ties, culturally, geographically and historically, and it is clear that when they have worked so seriously on it for a long time, then it becomes natural to learn from them.”

“The sweden democrats lift in place until another Danish package,”

“Migrationsdebatten in Denmark is characterized by openness, considers Henrik Vinge, the sweden democrats’ deputy leader in the parliament.”

“– It has not been as anxious and scared of focusing on the problems with mass immigration. As it is now we get a little bit of sota for not having dared to lift it past in Sweden, for now, we have a huge problem with the firings, utanförskapsområden and violence. It has not been anywhere near as big a problem in Denmark.”

“as well As Johan Forssell, he points out that it is not only Denmark that inspires, but also the other nordic countries.”

“the Swedish social democrats, however, may not point to a single example of inspiration from Denmark.”

“I can’t say that it would be Denmark we draw inspiration from,” says party secretary Lena Rådström Baastad.”

“Generally speaking, it is difficult to translate in another country, policy proposals and submit them here,” she points out. Danish social democracy has also made other choices than the S in Sweden, perhaps especially in the issue of migration.”

“In januariavtalet, which is the basis for how Sweden is to be governed this legislature, was the word flexicurity. The centre party has long pushed for this and the inspiration comes from Denmark.”

“– Denmark is both a source of inspiration for ideas and as a warning sign, ” says Martin Ådahl, labour market policy spokesperson (C).”

“He points to a well-functioning labour market with low unemployment and good integration of the newly arrived that a Danish success.”

“at the same time, he believes that the Danish political debate has been wrong – the debate on immigration has taken over everything else and brought in a populist way. He feared that it may become the same in Sweden.”

“– From having been a country that has won the that we have renewed our model all the time, so we can end up in that we just keep discussing a lot of populist proposals. It can be a problem in itself, but above all, it takes all the oxygen from the really serious issues that affect people’s financial lives, ” says Martin Ådahl.”

“the Swedish research during the 2017 and 2018 has been commissioned to produce data on Danish conditions in the following issues:

“the SD has requested information on the karriärtjänster for teachers in Denmark, Norway and Finland, on the Danmarkskanon and on asylum applications to Sweden and Denmark.”

“M has requested information on the tiggeriförbud in Norway and Denmark, if the Danish utanförskapsområden, if the police in Denmark, as well as on the study – and vocational guidance in Sweden, Norway and Denmark.”

“L have requested information on the reform of police training in Denmark.”

“(C) has requested information on the systems with of good men in Norway, Denmark and Finland.”

“During the period 2008-2018 requested the parliamentary parties and individual members more often utredningshjälp about Norway than to Denmark.”

“Source: Parliamentary research service,”

“in preparation for a special straffskärpningsgrund which can lead to double punishment for certain crimes that have a connection with the amicable settlement of criminal groups.”

“in the Face zonförbud, which gives police the ability to ban a person who demonstrated especially otrygghetsskapande behavior to reside in a certain place.”

“the Police shall be able to impose video surveillance on crime-and strategically important places without a licence.”

“Before the national ban on begging and simpler rules for the eviction of illegal settlements.”

“the Swedish migration board should be given a special assignment to facilitate repatriation.”

“Before the language test and civics for citizenship.”

“Faced with a mandatory penalty for serious crime.”

“the Face of a Swedish version of the Danish flexicurity: Enhance opportunities for training and conversion and change of labour law, so that small and medium-sized enterprises are no longer covered by turordningsreglerna.”