It was in the middle of may, which is Folkhälsomyndigheten had a recent meeting with representatives of the Swedish football team. The Swedish football association, Swedish Football … and the game took part in a meeting with the representatives of the authority, but a green light for the inexperienced, starting on the 14th of June, was not to be.
After the meeting, several leaders of the irritation of that authority at all, was carrying out an assessment of the provisions of the protocol BUT has taken up, in order to be able to take the time.
Then, the two parties have been lying low and awaiting new guidelines from the Folkhälsomyndigheten, in the hope that they will mean the ability to start up relegated to the middle of the next month.
”Should be a good start for the business,”
this is a favorable trend.
During Monday’s press conference with the Folkhälsomyndigheten said statsepidemiolog Anders Tegnell, a reply, if elfsborgs night will be on Friday.
the official announcement is scheduled for Friday, and if my memory serves me right, ” he said.
When he got to the questions from the Swedish television SVT he did hint that there might be a chance to start the series, already on the 13th of June.
” We hope that everything is going to be able to be completed by the end of the week. It is a framework that needs to be done. We are going to have discussions with the police and other people so that it will be a good start for the business, ” says Tegnell.
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