at some point he was going to kill someone. You should remove him from the game. From the game called ice hockey probably any game mind you, not from a x-on any Wednesday evening. Yes, Tom Wilson is unpopular. At least outside of Washington, D.C., where the current Champion of the National Hockey League plays.

Tom Wilson: He loves to body checks.

And all the bad, all the shame and everything else that is spread via the 24-year-old striker from Toronto in the Internet, all of which is only expressed rarely in such nice words as in these examples. There are opposing players who call him bluntly an idiot.

Wilson, and the Timing

Wilson is looking for the hard body check. Consistently, as it seems hardly anyone does in the NHL, a League in which the game is always faster and more intense, to be the genus of the pure hard Checker nevertheless, the extinction consecrated. Not always Wilson’s Timing is right.

Then he hits heads with elbows, he goes mad in the middle of the field in players without the Puck, he rams the opponent from the back in the gang. This often ends up bad, with concussions, and jaw fractures. Wilson 1.93 meters tall, about 100 kilograms in weight. And even if his skating style is not marked so just of elegance – the pace is not lacking to him.

one of A number of sanctioned Checks of Tom Wilson, here against Pittsburgh’s Zach Aston-Reese.

Wilson was doing this deliberately, criticize the one – you are always more numerous: He enjoyed the reputation of a Bad Boy, it is fit that he was with 13 fist last season to fight the number 2 in the NHL in a dubious ranking-worthy.

wanting him to Grips, others say, finally, Wilson won three of his four Locks since the summer of 2017 in test matches – most recently in September, when he was dragged for 16 games.

it was For a first 20 game block, dismount, Tom Wilson, had the game at the end of the only 16: Check to the head of St. Louis’ Oskar Sundqvist … in a test.

Maybe he is clumsy. For his latest Offense talks two weeks ago, as he was facing away from against New Jersey to him, tried unsuspecting opponent past him then, still at high speed over the pile of rode. The NHL assessed the case is similar to that refused in exceptional cases, but probably fine in a lock.

A clumsy, senseless and, therefore, maybe accidental “Check” against New Jersey’s Brett Seney.

Nevertheless, this Episode confirms his critics. And if Wilson defends himself and says he is none, of other wool hurt, and he was trying to get to know better what Checks are acceptable and which are not of foam, then the opponent on the ice and glow of the keyboards of his haters in the social media, to multiply the insults.

in addition to the two Stars

The story could end. Would Wilson just a Remnant from past days of hockey, a Fourth-line ruffian, soon to be disposed of in any Farm or whipping League. However, it is not that simple. Wilson has signed in the summer, when the Washington Capitals a 31-million-Dollar, six-year contract, he completes as the left wing of the first storm line in the current NHL Champions, the other two are Evgeny Kuznetsov and Alex Ovechkin. And because it is interesting.

so odd and yet so successful Trio: Tom Wilson, Alex Ovechkin, Yevgeny Kuznetsov (left to right). Image:

As Wilson makes this a great Job. He already did in the Playoff in 2018, was an important piece of the Puzzle in Washington on the way to the Stanley Cup. Wilson was referred to as “place-makers Owetschkins”, with his force, he spaces the way for the Russians. And in the eleven Games this season in which he was suspended or injured, gained Wilson 14 Skorerpunkte, scored eight goals. At 24, he is allowed to play for the first time in his career Powerplay in the pros.

Tom Wilson can also play football: the Perfect Pass to Alex Ovechkin, the Russian network.

During the 16 games he missed, tried the Capitals desperately that some player on the side of the Russian Superstars, with none of it worked as good as Wilson. The Job in addition to the two gifted is challenging, the issue of the “Washington Post devoted” recently a long article.

The rebuke from colleagues

it may seem contradictory that this brute is the teasing out of the two Russians, the maximum benefits. And when Wilson tells of moments in which Kuznetsov’s check still on the ice with him, scold (“Tom, you don’t have to, from time to time, it makes sense to want to score goals”), it also shows to what a narrow line, he moves in his game.

Here there is praise of Evgeny Kuznetsov, Tom Wilson, meets in the Stanley Cup Final in 2018 against Las Vegas after a neat one-two pass with the Russians.

It is also a matter of perspective. Because in Washington, you like your “Willy”. Usually coach Barry trotz said: “There are only a few, such as Tom Wilson”, and said the positive. The General Manager of the capital, called Wilson the “most important energy carriers of the team”. And Wilson is extremely within the club, popular with players, Coaches, Staff. He is touted as the next Captain, if Ovechkin retires one day.

A bit of Fun must be: Alex Ovechkin congratulated Tom Wilson on 6. November 2013, his first NHL goal – with a foam pie.

There is also the North American media, the lift at all, rebuke his punishment register, the respectful and warm-hearted kind of Wilson’s off the ice. And, by the renowned trade magazine “The Hockey News wrote,” and should be mentioned therefore, Wilson is perhaps the best-looking NHL players …

The lion in the jungle

The Outcry in the capital was so great, than it got last week, Wilson. And this Episode completes the Story. It looked, as so often in scenes with him, just with the roles reversed.

Tom Wilson suffered the concussion.

Wilson played a Pass to Ryan Reaves of the Vegas Golden Knights came out of the dead angle roars. Wilson hit his head on the ice – since then, he’s out with a concussion. His haters rejoice, congratulate Reaves. Finally, a back have paid.

Reaves Wilson already wore some of the feud, the two like to give to the ice cream Treat. According to Reaves’ commentary on the Check was: “This is a men’s sport. Wilson was looking at the Puck, until he ran into a lion in the jungle – me.”

no Matter which Team: Ryan Reaves Bouncing around for years from time to Time on Tom Wilson.

The grey zone and the discussion about fair and unfair

The discussion of what is a correct Check is in the ice hockey is also a question of Culture.

The last two incidents with Tom Wilson, once as the offender and the victim: they have fueled the already heated debate in the NHL about what a correct Check and what not.

In both cases, the offender received in the game due to injury Checked while a rest of exclusion, both times, has withdrawn from the League after that, but on Lock. Because both are no Checks against the head but against the shoulder, so at least in the version correctly.

This makes for confusion for viewers, but also for the players. What is not correct? The rules state that a player is not allowed to be checked without Puckbesitz, that is “Interference” – but there is the grey area immediately after the Moment of Puckabgabe.

In both cases, with Wilson, it met players who had a hand saw played the Puck straight and on the other hand, the Check to come, and thus not in focus could be. And it is precisely these kind of Checks that lead to concussions are often: The Check is not expected, it is the body voltage is missing, the head is correspondingly shaken.

In the rules of the European handball Federation has existed since this season is about the crime of “late Check”. Only players that should be explicitly stated in Puckbesitz checked.

but There is more: the culture of The Checkens should be changed, the body check as a pure intimidation measure will disappear from the game.

It will be a long way to go, the Macho culture in football is still big. This shows especially in the second case, Wilson the (verbal) reaction of his opponent Reaves.

Of men’s sports, the jungle and the lion: Ryan Reaves on the Check against Tom Wilson. (

Created: 12.12.2018, 06:47 PM