“The king of the exclusion: It is idrottsmobbning”

“SEEFELD. Now give Carl XVI Gustaf, his views on the debate about early exclusion.”

“the King believes that the big challenge is to help children that are worse on one sport to the other branches – or give them other tasks.”

“– You can be as a coach, he says to Sportbladet.”

“the’ best interests of the Child shall be a primary consideration in all actions concerning children”. It stands to read in the third chapter of the Crc, which becomes Swedish law from next year.”

“the Introduction will affect the field of youth and sports, in particular the compounds elitsatsar and gives the children a variety of conditions to train and compete. Is such a system for the good of everyone? How is this consistent with chapter twelve, which reads that every child has the right to express their opinion and be heard in all matters affecting the child?”

“It’s idrottsmobbning””

“Sportbladet has just illuminated several aspects of the complexity of the topic. We’ve told you about nine-year-old Carl Wilhelm and sevenyear-old Arvid, who are not deemed skilled enough to play football in some teams.”

“When we raise the issue with Carl XVI Gustaf during the ski world CHAMPIONSHIPS in Austria he seems to at least know that the substance appeared in the media. But the king has a different entrance than to toppande clubs to get new rules of conduct.”

” It is most important for leaders is to grab the youngsters and make sure they are not missuppfattar the situation. It can be really hard. All of which are not substances for a specific sport. Just find something else for them and maybe introduce another sport that is better suited for the youth. There is jättekänsligt. Idrottsmobbning, ” he says.”

“”Give them another chance””

“You mean that it is okay that some children can not be with in some teams, you should find another…?”

“– Can and can. It’s just so. We all are not suited for everything. Then we must help them so that they get a chance to find something new. That is the leadership. It required enormous leadership and psychology from the leader’s side to do it in the right way. And, above all, the parents, the situation can back up in the right way. So that they do not push further in the wrong direction. It is something we all should think about.”

“What do you say to a ten year old girl or boy who want to be part of a team but have not got to she is not deemed good enough?”

“– Yes, what to say? It comes to give them another chance. Try other sports maybe. You can be with the trainer for a time or help the team in other ways. So that one is in the gang. It depends on the character and the personality.”