“The part that led to the fiasco,”

“Guldfavorit and the world.”

“But everything went to the forest for Etiene Medeiros.”

“– She drops the the gigantic. It does not want to experience, ” says Lars Frölander on the kitty in the kortbane world CUP in China.”

“the Semi-final of the 50 metres backstroke. Etiene Medeiros would easily swim at home the victory in the heat, but ended up surprising blocksist. “

“Why? A miss from both the organizer and the swimmers at the start. Simplattan that all swimmers pushing off loosened during the start and Medeiros lost all momentum.”

“– You have to make sure that it is stuck when you jump down in the water. I usually do when I’m going to swim backstroke.”

“”Nothing you want to experience””

“Lars Frolander fill in.”

“– You see that bar go down when she shoots from. It is simmarens responsibility to make sure that it is stuck there. It is like to swim a standstill! You lose huge, ” says Sjöström and continues:”

“– You get no momentum, and then she is fucked in the 50 metres backstroke. She was a great guldfavorit so it is a boring miss. No one wants to experience.”