back in 1969, met the two cykelentusiasterna Ad Verhoeven, and Diny, brouwer’s on the race, the Ronde van Lieshout. They were thought of together and were an inseparable couple.

the Ride was also at the centre of their lives. They were both members of the club, BZET (as in the case of blood, sweat, and tears, in a small community Mariahout, two miles from the city of Eindhoven, and took each and every year, thousands and thousands of miles together each year.

the Ad Verhoeven appreciate the fact that he, as the 69-year-old, of bikes a 20 000 km per year, as Diny, brouwer’s-Verhoeven is low, at around 8000 miles per year.

on Monday of last week, they took their last ride together.
”We were able to say goodbye to this home away from home”
As a fairly newly retired and healthy-in the other, began to Diny, brouwer’s-Verhoeven know the pain in the thigh and in the calves, early in the 2020’s. The pain refused to let go, and she decided to go to the doctor.

and They diagnosed her with vasculitis, which means that she has suffered from inflammation in her blood vessels. As a result, she became seriously ill, first with pneumonia and then a pulmonary embolism, so she was lected to the hospital. This is an ongoing coronapandemi.

She was infected by the virus, but was hit by one of the other events, and passed away, at 68 years of age.

” Fortunately, we were able to say good-bye to her at home. It was a very, very good, ” says Verhoeven for the Algemeen Dagblad.

Despite the fact that he was crippled with grief and decided to Ad Verhoeven, in order to give a Diny is a fitting farewell. Image, involving people from all over the country,
this was mounted in a trailer on his bicycle, where he placed Dinys chest on it. In conjunction with their club BZET ride from your home to the crematorium.

With tears in his eyes, was greeted with applause Verhoeven of friends and acquaintances from the community who stood along the road as he and Diny took their last trip together.

” the Diny like riding a bike, just like I do. So it took her. It was for us. And I believe that this trailer is better than the one lastcykel. It was beautiful, ” says Verhoeven.

There are many people who share this point of view. For a picture of Verhoeven as he bikes to the crematorium with the coffin and touches people, across the whole of the Netherlands. It has been reported in the newspapers that the Algeemeen Dagblad, Eindhoven Dagblad and De Telegraaf as well as shown on tv.

“On the social media, the picture has been tens of thousands of interactions, where many people are expressing how good they think it is,” says the photographer, Joost Duppen, which was Verhoevens bike ride with the casket.

“the People express their sorrow for what happened, but it will also show you how beautiful they think he is doing,” says Duppen.

the Ad Verhoeven, where cycling is more than a passion. In 1992, he graduated as a pilot is the visually impaired rider, Alfred Stelleman the gold medal in the tandem at the Paralympic games in Barcelona, spain. The duo took the world CHAMPIONSHIP silver medal in the belgian-Peer in 1994.

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