HERE if the day had sportskommentatoren in the Swedish Expressen a quick study in the phenomenon of Heidi Weng; or “This is skiverdenens greatest riddle” as he or good helpers at the desk described the difference between being number one and being number number 42 from the first wooden in the Tour de Ski.

And nonetheless be at least as bland:

– This is about a runner who has been on the podium 82 times in the world cup, A runner who has four world CHAMPIONSHIP gold medals. A runner who has won both the overall world cup title and the Tour de Ski two seasons in a row, wrote Tomas Petterson; who daily follows the Norwegian cross-country skiing closer than most foreigners, and continued:

– Now slipping her the most about and seem to not care as much. The number one or number eighty-one? Plays a much smaller role. Heidi Weng laughing still.

Was written off yesterday – now believe rivals that Weng can win the Tour

IT might be a good idea to remind about this comment the day after Heidi, naturally enough, in a few seconds the crying of the pain of a sprained thumb. Is it really just as natural for a skistjerne to take adversity well so easy as the years of success?

Absolutely not, and it makes Heidis winter interesting far beyond resultatlistenes tiny little world. In season after season, she has outwardly convincingly played the role of the Norwegian jentelagets snublefot. The rotate away in the most part, but still comes out great through on the charm.

If it really is the way within, I know nothing about. This roller-coaster to langrennsløperen Heidi Weng has indeed emerged as a highly personal clean-up in own values, but so far she has not talked so much about it.

MAYBE she once wanted to do just that. It is of course exciting with a sportshelt that on top of career not seems all this success is fun enough. That the victories and the money is not worth all the hassle. That she simply does not have the mental chore to push themselves so hard anymore.

Weng know at last why all finished in the OLYMPIC games: – Private things ruined it for me

And even more exciting is that with an athlete who in spite of all these negative thoughts still choose to continue with their sport, and in the middle of the resultatmessige adversity seems satisfied with that choice.

But how happy Heidi really has been in the winter, she like to keep to themselves. In a mediehverdag with ever faster battle for attention, it must still be idrettsutøvernes options what they tell us.

The nice way, Heidi the last few months have tackled the transition from win to a permanent place in the queue, says regardless of everything.

JUST it seems those who are closer, even more clearly. Therefore can enough the previous day to stand again as quite nice, just the pain in the thumb release in time for today’s 10km mass start in Tour de Ski in German Oberstdorf. For yesterday was Heidi Weng some proper warm words, she shall take with them:

I don’t think there are very many who could have ended up in the position she has done now, where she has won so much and so perform so much worse, but continues to go skirenn and is, on the whole, quite happy and positive, and serves as a resource in the team, said Astrid Uhrenholdt Jacobsen to Dagbladet, and added:

I think many can learn from. It’s probably not as many as thought Heidi would cope with this as well, but she has really done.

BUT now, it is not at all certain that Heidi need to laugh away so many weak results longer:

not Even 15 world CHAMPIONSHIP gold medals solves the mystery with training in tynnluft Formstigningen is evident, and it is expected.

For purely sporting is not the results her some riddle in it all. They reflect only a completely different treningssommer where it took time to find back to the joy of exercise.

along the Way, Heidi trained much less and even quieter than before. So has it simply not been the intention that she should be in shape already now. Every race has been training towards the season’s only aim; it is to be able to contribute on the Norwegian team during the world cup in Seefeld in late February.

IT the goal, she comes to clear. Or even clearer:

The goal, she can actually already sign out by joy lagvenninnene their everyday life outside the trail.

Why is Heidi Weng as a sports star simply no failure.

Actually similar to she’s becoming more of a success.

Roses Weng after the new letdown: – She has grown as a human being