1. October defendant Mattias Tedenby shot of bad luck. Be HC Davos won in Langnau yet. Since then, however, the Swede has scored in every Match of the month. At least once. Seven goals in their last six games is its yield. Other players or Teams may have collected in October, more points – but she also wore more games. Tedenby and HCD have completed the first 11 games, with 21 points, they picked up the same number as the master in Bern from 17 Games.

in addition, Due to the stadium renovation two performances in front of a private audience took place in the first place. “We were pretty good,” evaluates the 29-Year-old restrained. His contribution, he does not want the weights to be strong. However, the 1.18 Skorerpunkte per game are the fourth-best average in the League behind Hofmann (train), Lindgren (Davos) and Roe (ZSC). And those who look even closer, notes: Tedenby shot in October, not just any goals, but the first for Davos. In Geneva, the 1:0 and even 2:1, in Bern, the Anschlusstor to 1:2, in Fribourg, the 1:1 against Biel in the first home game 1:0, again against Fribourg the 1:1 and Ambri 1:0.

crowd favorite

“Oh, I’m not aware of,” marvels Tedenby. This is typical of 1.77 m large wings, was in Jönköping in his years in HV71 crowd pleaser and is sometimes faster than the Puck. Too many thoughts, he is not over ice hockey . “He is unbelievable,” says Robin Figren. The last two years, he and Tedenby had played together for HV71, Tedenby adopted as the third best Skorer to Davos, Figren as the fourth-best to Kloten. “The is always something going on, he is every day in the wardrobe for something Crazy or Unexpected,” said Figren, laughing.

“But on the ice he does unexpected things,” adds the Klotener. This makes the package Tedenby. HCD-head of sports, Raeto Raffainer, in his time as Director of the national teams already pretty schwedenaffin, raves about Tedenbys maneuverability. “In the smallest space he creates with a feint, such a distance to the against players that can’t keep up.” Raffainer and Trainer Wohlwend calls from Sweden after two Skype convinced: “As a man, he is fantastic.” And the defensive weakness, he said in a Scouting Report? Of the saw in Davos so far, no-one.

The commute has remained the same

Tedenby had in the preparation, like all the Davos-foreigners with injuries to fight (adductors), but that’s in the past. “He gets better”, is Raffainer convinced. Of Tedenbys qualities were convinced early on others. About the earlier Lugano, Center, and coach Kent Johansson, who had the only 17-year-old wing in the Winter of 2007/08, the first inserts in the first team of HV71.

Tedenby was with the Team of his home town, twice a champion (2010 to 2017). After the first track, he tried his hand in the NHL, he commuted between New Jersey and Albany (AHL). For the lack in size of body, it was said to be from North America, when he returned after four years to Jönköping. 120 NHL games he has completed.

His contract in Jönköping would’ve gone further if he had not availed, in the spring of an exit clause. “I had it in there really good and comfortable, but I needed something New.” So he decided to Davos. Despite the new challenge is at the new place are somewhat the same as in Sweden: The commute to the hall is similarly short as in Jönköping, where his house is only 800 m from the Arena.

Created: 31.10.2019, 11:15 am