“The Swedish coach accused of sexism,”

“the Players protested already in 2017 – now listed not to play again”

“Already in 2017, ten internationals in table tennis the alarm about sexist comments from the national coach Peter Sartz.”

“After 18-year-old Ellen Holmsten since left the national team and in the days openly told us about their experiences during Sartz management select the league now to start a new investigation.”

” I think they should kick him out. It is completely obvious, ” says Ellen Holmsten to Sportbladet.”

“Ellen Holmsten, 18, is one of the most promising table tennis players, including eleven gold at the youth national CHAMPIONSHIPS and four medals (one gold) in the senior CHAMPIONSHIP on his cv. But this season found the talent is no longer in the Swedish national team.”

“On his blog testified bordtennistalangen on 1 January, the sexist comments, and ostracism directed against her by a leader in the landslagsorganisationen that before the season got her to refrain continued the national team level. Holmsten tells us, among other things, how she petades from a camp in February 2018, she had the right to participate in, and about how sexist the comments with the time it became regular.”

“”Comments that the mood was raised when the girls had a skirt on the training, that maybe I would not be filming my matches when I just shoot in the bedroom or why not I should change the position of the backhand, just like I can be so good in the bedroom. It also dealt with more comments which are not just met me and who was not only sexist, but it’s not my thing to tell,” writes Holmsten.”

“Coach was left”

“the 18-year-old writes that she early on sounded the alarm to the alliance, but felt that she wasn’t taken seriously. In order to show that the discontent was widespread, although ten of Sweden’s top table tennis players – including Matilda Ekholm and Daniela Moskovits – in november 2017 together and signed a protest letter to the association. “

” Our national coach Peter Sartz has a jargon that is at times sexist, racist and funkofob” was to be read in the letter that, among other things adresserades Swedish bordtennisförbundets-president Petra Sörling.”

“– I support Ellen for full mugs, and myself have previously been exposed, but in a different way. It has been sick and he hatched out a lot of stuff, ” says the 25-year-old landslagsspelaren Moskovits.”

“the Federation hired after the petition an external consultant to work with the jargon of the national team. A work that later was deemed successful, with the result that the head coach Sartz had to sit still.”

“Swedish bordtennisförbundets-president Petra Sörling says to Sportbladet to förbundsledningens perception has been that the problems in the national team has been fixed after the work was done as a result of the players’ petition 2017. After Holmstens new evidence promises the covenant to once again investigate the matter.”

“– We might have to see over the employees in our ranks and may not be enough training this time, ” says president Petra Sörling.”

“”No one dares to say something outward””

“Ellen Holmsten didn’t think the blog post would have a particularly big spread but the response was so great that the Swedish bordtennisförbundet the day after the post published, chose to respond to the criticism in a statement on its official website. There, type the association of several ”physical meetings with spelarråd, leaders, and a number of players” after the petition 2017, and to spelarrådet ”as late as today, on January 2, 2019, confirmed that it currently does not exist any jargon similar to the previously described”.”

“Although it has no in today’s förbundsledning spoken with Ellen Holmsten of her experiences.”

” I got an email from Petra yesterday. After they had posted their response so she wrote ”hi, we will publish a response to it here”, wished me a happy new year and said she would call me when she comes home from her holiday in Asia.”

“do you Feel that they take you seriously?”

” No, certainly not, and that is the whole point. I don’t even want to be in the national team anymore because I don’t care. It is also why I dared to go out with everything now. Before, I have not dared to say anything because I still wanted to be with. Since I wrote this also has old players contacted me and told me about similar experiences. No one dare to do it outwardly because they don’t want to get in trouble themselves, but it seems to be more than I who in trouble.”

“What do you think the federation should do now?”

” I think they should kick him out. It is completely obvious. Since it is difficult for me to know what goes on in an organization but I also think that the other may reinforce themselves, or bring in people who do not know each other. The most important thing is that they all the time talk with the players. But there is no one who talked to me, ever.”

“She said: Felt that we had a problem”

“Sportbladet has been in contact with Peter Sartz referring all questions to the federation’s president Petra Sörling. She promises now to go to the bottom of the accusations against the women’s national team coach.”

“– We want to be open, inclusive and welcoming. You can’t be there should it not work in the Swedish bordtennisförbundet.”

“Matilda Ekholm is ranked as number 30 in the world, and took in march 2018, the SM-gold in the doubles together with Ellen Holmsten. For their own part, see Ekholm problems with Peter Sartz as solved.”

“– It is known that we had a problem in 2017, and our joint assessment is that the issue now is simply done. We checked the situation together with förbundsledningen in conjunction with the world CHAMPIONSHIPS in the spring and then was all the players happy, ” she says.”

“Read a longer interview with Petra Sörling here!”