“The Swedish star miss EM-qualifier”

“Swedish volleybollandslaget has to manage without the names Isabelle Haak in the crucial european CHAMPIONSHIP qualifiers.”

“at Least in the first match against Estonia on Sunday.”

“– Her club has a match the same day and she is really important for them, ” says landslagsansvarige Ismo Peltoarvo.”

“Haak is hugely important also for the Swedish national team. But even for a city of 19-see her bold fashion Italian club Scandicci and the Italian league has the national football team now got slammed.”

” She will not be with the against Estonia (Sunday). May she be with against the Czech republic (Wednesday), we’re still working on it, ” says Peltoarvo.”

“He says that the reason is that Scandicci play at the same time.”

“– She is the engine of the team, without her, they feel that they have no chance to win. She is of the utmost importance for them.”

“Despite the fact that Scandicci has match also on Wednesday think Peltoarvo that the national team can get it off Haak to Estlandsmatchen.”

“If we are in a good position, then we have good chances to get with her,” he says.”

“the Road to the CHAMPIONSHIP is a tough one for Sweden. First and foremost, including the swedes win both matches to have a chance, but also need the help of other results. One scenario is that Sweden and already EM-clear Finland wins its remaining matches.”

“It’s not just Sweden who are affected by a conflict between the national team and the clubs.”

“– It is the european league that puts all parties in an impossible position by adding european CHAMPIONSHIP qualification matches, while the pairings going on. It is a problem for all of us, ” says Peltoarvo.”

“Sweden plays in the same group as Finland, the Czech republic and Estonia.”

“The two top teams in each group qualify for the european CHAMPIONSHIPS, and Finland has already secured a place.”

“the Wins outweigh the recorded points in qualifying and Sweden, which stands at three losses and a win, a tough road to advancement.”

“on the other hand, Sweden win both their remaining matches (away against Estonia January 6 and at home against the Czech republic, 9 January) course, in order to have a chance. In addition, not the decision into their own hands. One scenario is that Sweden and Finland win their remaining matches. Then Sweden are guaranteed second place in the group and therefore go forward to the european CHAMPIONSHIP finals.”

“Source: Volleybollförbundet.”