Cameras that track the movements and actions of each player and feed the most thorough database that, at the moment, cooking that information and immediately puts it within the reach of the hand of the coaches. With the authorization of the electronic devices in the dugouts, the 42 technical LaLiga Santander and LaLiga 1/2/3 premiered this season a tool of data analysis and visualization so powerful that it is changing the way in which they prepare the games and improving their capacity of reaction for the same. Coaches can take in seconds informed decisions with data, and corroborate their impressions with images. The development that has made LaLiga tool Mediacoach is unique. No other league has something similar, and is maintained in continuous update with the collaboration of all those who use it: some 350 people, including coaches and analysts of the 42 teams and professionals of LaLiga.

Mediacoach works as well: in all of the stadiums have installed six cameras able to identify with pinpoint accuracy the position of each one of the 22 players, measuring how fast they move (torn, hard braking, average speed). These images intersect with a database which keeps track of every action that the players carried out, taking into account the area of the field of play in which they occur. Whether it’s a pass, a goal, a crash fortuitous with another player, a punt. Everything is recorded and saved, by splitting hairs that is. Mediacoach provides technical data or tactical of all the players. And compares it with stored profiles of every player to know, instantly, whether its speed or its percentage of passes successful are above the average or their performance begins to decrease. Each coach can view the data of your squad and the opponent. And to know, for example, the flank is opening up the defender slower, or if the midfielder’s own team is more tired than the opponent. Coaches can set warning alerts, to know in what time a player starts to pay less. And something more transcendental. The data can indicate that a player has crossed the threshold of the risk of injury. The coach possesses in the act of supporting evidence, empirical, to decide.

it examines a coach to an opposing player before the match. How is falling back, Dawn?

The tool Mediacoach allows the study of facets of the particular game of a rival player. In this sequence we see how the trainer you are interested in studying the epidemic of Alba. Has asked for cuts of video that you see at the side in different matches running to defensive positions from the opposite field after a loss of ball. After including these search criteria, the technical get instant access to the images.

statistical Analysis of the opponent to prepare for matches

The tool that LaLiga has facilitated the 42 clubs LaLiga Santander and LaLiga 1/2/3 offers, by default, five types of reports are tactical and three about the physical condition of the own team as the opponent. The tactical are: analysis of the opponent before the meeting (results, streak, comparative with the computer itself…), with conclusions of the previous game, the team and individual players. With the three types of reports physical can be known to both the accumulated fatigue as the wear and behavior in specific moments of the game.

To equality of information, democratization of football

a decade Ago a small group of six teams began to use big data as a tool for work. There were few that could afford to install specific cameras in its stadiums to track the movements of the players. But the investment was large and the results are poor, since there was no possibility of including in the analysis the records of the matches played outside their stadium. Ricardo Resta, director of the Sports Area and the Mediacoach of LaLiga, highlights the fact that now all the clubs have for the same system (in a version, in addition to, much more sophisticated). “It has matched the amount of information to which all have access and makes it easier for those teams with less resources can compete in better conditions against top teams”. Mediacoach, summarizes Subtraction, democratizes the football.

“there Will still be differences, there will be clubs able to maintain a contingent of 15 analysts and others who will have to make do with more humble. But this season, during the matches, all the teams have at least one analyst with the focus on the lances of the game that his coach has stipulated as a priority in every meeting, sending streams of video that will help you to decide better”. The changes of bench, that is happen campaign after campaign, they used to be a stumbling block for the incoming.“Before it was very difficult for a coach to newcomers to know what is necessary about the physical state of the players to prepare for a match,” explained Roberto Lopez, Coordinator of the project Mediacoach and in the Area of Sports Research of LaLiga. “Now, thanks to this tool, it is also easier to save this situation. Have all the data at your disposal,” noted Lopez.

like this saw Simeone how to put your computer to shut down the progress the club

The video sequence shows one of the possible views that offers Mediacoach to the coach, during the match, verify that your training is not broken down and move as ordered. The program traces the perimeter with the 10 field players and allows you to observe how men of Simeone shut the space to limit the rush of Barcelona, and how, in turn, the club is playing more open to find gaps in the defensive opponent.

Alerts live during the match. What starts Messi to falter?

The coach can set the application to a alert will notify you when you have place some fact of interest during the match. In this example depicted, Mediacoach would have given notice to the technician of the Royal Society when Messi had Betnano surpassed the number of efforts at maximum intensity, that is usually made per game (still more than a quarter of an hour by playing when it happened) and when Barcelona had lost the domain of possession. These two facts, coupled with the increased participation of Xabi Prieto, would be to understand the ability of the Royal Society at this meeting last season to tighten the Barcelona in the final minutes.

up Until this season the electronic devices were prohibited on the benches, although the regulationsto included an exception to the which often were the coaches: it was permissible to use if it depended on the health of the players. For this reason, this campaign LaLiga Santander will not go down in history only for being the premiere of the vídeoarbitraje (VAR). It will also be marked by the use regularized channel data, and video Mediacoach during the matches. “Is having a major impact on what happens in the field,” says Resta.

The use of the tool is currently limited to about 350 technicians, assistants, and analysts of the 42 teams and LaLiga. And everyone can know everything of all. “You can investigate what they do the teams that make differences to bring you closer to them, building models of work that will put you on that path,” adds Roberto Lopez, one of the experts of LaLiga, in constant contact with the clubs to get the most performance out of this cutting-edge technology.

Before and during the match

Ruben Reyes is one of two analysts who work closely with Míchel at Rayo Vallecano. “The most profound degree of knowledge that the teams may have today for each other, in record time, has opened a new horizon,” explains this former player of the club. Before training, Míchel studying with Kings the images that this shows him to unravel the drawings tactical opponent and its variants. “All we train now specifically to, as in a choreography, to move together and cancel out the virtues of contrast and surprise by exploiting its weaknesses,” he says. Adjust the settings to a defensive opponent is very important in the week prior to the party. “The structures, tactics are more solid, the work in team is more disciplined and the strength gives you a point. Then, the other two depend on the ability of the trainer to, with absolute creativity, we vary certain patterns of attacking play without losing sync. Surprising to strangers, and to know to explain to their players how to move and why.” The tool also affects to the time of preparing plays in the workouts. “If you analyze the play of every day that end up in a goal you can see that many have been tried first in training from the study of video”. He gives as an example one of the goals for the Lightning in their last clash against Villarreal: when the lateral yellow out to cover the rise of the rayista, this should give a pass on the outside; the front franjirrojo is desmarcaría, warned that the central Villarreal rarely ever leave the middle lane, and would have space to get a center fast, and the striker hole in the area. Kings warned to Míchel, who coached him with great care. They executed the play well several times, and one of them ended up the ball in the net.

analysts Rayo Vallecano study with Mediacoach how the Eibar we generated chances on goal to Atletico Madrid. Kike For

With the match at stake, Reyes is on the bench and pay usually more attention to the data of the Rayo Vallecano that of his rival. So requested by the coach. The task of Pedro Serna, his assistant, sitting in the stands, is to send videos that Kings can inform Míchel and decide the best way to return the composure to broken lines in the drawing of your equipment or to exploit free spaces that could occupy your players to attack. “From the field to feel the vibrations and I have a similar perspective, but with Mediacoach I have the drawing tactical full at all times, the heat maps of where to pass their players and ours, we can now quantify the efforts of both… It’s hard to beat what this means”.

Edu Pons, physical trainer of the club, has been here for ten years, using it for their daily work with the players the previous versions of this tool, much less powerful than the current one. “When you observe the physical condition of teams newly promoted often surprised by his strength. The requirement has increased for all in the last decade. And, as usual, although you have more labeled, you can escrutarles according to the time that passed and in a certain position”.

One of the most useful aspects that stands out is that, having a historical data of each player so vast, all that refers to the analysis of their state of form is custom. “You know what your maximum possible speed, what kind of effort is usually performed by playing (if it wears down much, how many maximum acceleration makes per game…), you know your propensity to injuries or muscle overload, and you can as well know when to book it, how to work with each one in training and how to take advantage of all that make up the template, as the requirement is verifiable in the rival,” he explains.

The trainer of Getafe CF, Javier Vidal, notes on the IPad details of the attack of FC Barcelona with the coach, José Bordalás. LaLiga

To the person responsible for the physical preparation of the club is vital to have data as reliable to be able to warn a player is at risk. Measurements snapshots also bring positive consequences in communication with them: “The tool allows us to give a feedback very quickly to the player on their records. Many players, in fact, are every day more and more familiar with this technology.” Pons know in advance the situations that make it more prone to injury, but to extol the virtue of the tool to calibrarlas. Says one: “When a central has to play in carrilero”. Subtraction explains the danger: “If this player plays with their ferocity usual, covering more field, it is likely that you have consumed the rest, almost the total of its effort to regulate in full matches”, summarizes Subtraction.

“With these data analysis we can provide you with a vision that is very realistic to the coach so that you know what risks are involved, every decision,” explains Pons, who believes the tool has the ability to offer more. “During matches we need to have alerts and ways to visualize the data more intuitive. There is to make determinations very quickly and you have to be able to see made to communicate with the coach. There is the future and there will come more soon than later”.

expand photo This page pertains to an analysis report of the Barcelona. It shows the occupation of the space that made Barcelona and Real Madrid in the last Classic as much defending as attacking. LaLiga

This week the Royal Society will have had the opportunity of seeing a report of Mediacoach of his rival on Sunday, Real Betis, 170 pages, with all the statistics up to the previous day contextualized with respect to the equipment and to the rest of the competition. In addition, there will be able to receive edited images of video, for example, all of your recoveries in the field opposite, a specialty of the béticos. Hasbrán able to also be downloaded customizable reports on the physical state of the players, rivals or the other with technical aspects or tactical. Neither the Premier League or the Bundesliga or Serie A or any other of the big leagues have a similar technology. Use that to make their equipment out of big data analysis is given by the reports that they provide third parties and that, in any case, are the same for all that purchase them. “Coffee for all, reports and data without customizing it to the characteristics of each league”, says Wild, Jos, Product Manager of Mediacoach in LaLiga, to emphasize the enormous advantage that Mediacoach is for the Spanish football. The clubs LaLiga Santander and LaLiga 1/2/3 yes provide services and reports that are adaptable to any of your specific needs. Jos already have the next update up for the live use of the application: “development that is internally called Fortnite”, as the video game of fashion inspired by the celebrations of the away-goals Griezmann. “The idea is to allow users, as in the game, to have channels to communicate live and share what makes each one while working together.” And not stop there. Soon, they say, will be able to provide predictive models of the game: how do you understand these two players in the midfield?, who have more chances of scoring playing together? “Measure serves to predict,” says Resta.

expand photo This page belongs to the same report, analysis of FC Barcelona. It is a comparison of their type of offensive game and efficiency with the rest of the competitors LaLiga Santander. LaLiga