Everything is great, by Thomas Castle.

He is the top responsible for The biggest bankskandale. Yes, even by international standards is the up to the top.

He has cost Danish Banks investors in the region of 100 billion.

And he has the effort received a total of around 100 million Danish kroner. About 20 million as a golden handshake when he walked by.

We understand the enough, that he should be rewarded for performance …

1500 billion dollars was from 2007 to 2015 sent through the accounts in Danske Bank’s Estonian branch belonging to around 10,000 suspicious foreign customers.

They say that money does not smell, but they did even less so, when they had been washed white in the Danish Bank. The bank giving invaluable support to eastern european criminals, the dictatorship in Azerbaijan, to the Russian secret service, president Putin’s family with several.

When the scandal began to roll – thanks, not least, the tenacious Berlingske-journalists, great effort – was the Castle both surprised, and sad:

– We have disappointed ourselves, he said to DR.

– the Scale seems to be larger than what we previously thought.

But in fact the husband did all the prerequisites to know that it was mad that it was in a gigantic scale and had been for a very long time.

Within the Castle in 2013 were Danske Bank’s top executive, he was from 2009 the bank’s head of International Banking and thus had the direct responsibility for the baltic operations.

Through the years received the bank and the several warnings that there was a time in the washing machine in the Estonian section, but he responded only slowly and had the courtesy not shareholders with his knowledge.

As he explained to Finanswatch.dk:

’Now, we must keep in mind that Estonia constitutes a very limited part of Danske Bank’s activities’.

In 2011 the Estonian department for about 10% of Danske Bank’s profit …
Drawing: Morten Ingemann
Seven burgers to all
1500 billion or 1.5 trillion, if you will – is the mind-boggling lot of money. The nice people at the Telegraph has illustrated it:

If we divided the amount out of all the people in Denmark, we would each get 259.069 crowns.

If we spent the money on the Big Mac, we would be left with 50 billion burgers. So many we can’t eat itself, but then we could give every person on the planet seven Big Mac.

It will not necessarily do something good for the cholesterol levels in the western world, but other places will the burgers enough to create joy. Bon appetite.

And this gigantic amount, as the fes through the Danske Bank in Estonia, had the Castle so difficult to spot.

He had it easier to see that the Estonian department was a very good business.

During the financial crisis was a Danish Bank on the bucket, so the taxpayers asked the bank guarantees on two occasions the Danish nationalprodukt.

As a thank you, the invaluable support to the society’s enemies. The scandal is of such magnitude that, in the worst case can put the country’s entire economy in the game.

the Castle used many words to regret and to assure that everything was better now and would be even better in the future, but as new scandals pouring out of the drawers and safes, it seemed the most ridiculous.

the Bank ordered and paid a lawyer for the investigation, as to the absolute ingens surprise cleaned the Castle and the rest of the management in the bank. In any case, to have done something illegal.

Inkompetencen and the cynical attitude to the society which helped the bank when it was in distress, could hardly speak.

And then went to the Castle finally.

As you will understand, he comes not to suffer economic distress, but he deserves true for the virtue of a cod on top.

Even if the candidate in the morning, well enough also are extremely convincing.

Select a cod

it is the fourth bid on, who will be announced as the Ekstra Nytårstorsk 2018.

, international architects Sophie Hæstorp Andersen and footballer Nicklas Bendtner is already in hyttefadet, and there are six more to look forward to. Ago follows a ballot in the newspaper, so you can participate in the decision of who is the biggest cod.

here at dawn.dk see all of the nominees as they are presented, and the time will also be given the opportunity to vote here.

you’ll be pleased to have done your democratic duty. You can also win great prizes.

the forrrige candidates here:

the Year nytårstorsk: Lord in chains

the Year nytårstorsk: Sundhedspladasken

the Year nytårstorsk: Smadremanden