“This may be the solution to the whole crisis,”

“Look here, a small list that no one cares about.”

“I’m certainly out there and moving around without the mount now, but I do get to test a thought?”

“Just the list can save the full Tour of the ski out of its crisis.”

“the Seventh of January 2007 såsade three Swedish skiers up a ski slope. Far above them blew Tobias Angerer to victory in the start of the Tour de ski, somewhere rolled a watch, but it had not the blue and yellow.”

“In case the trio on a string of pearls, six minutes after the toppåkarna: Peter Larsson on site 60, Thobias Fredriksson of 61, Björn Lind on site 62.”

“they even came up was due to the passage of rules that said you must complete the entire tour, get you points from the stages. The riders were, so to say, captured.”

“the Solution – of two journalists”

“When today we talk about the tour’s crisis needs all the stones to be turned, but a return to the rules of origin may not be up to date. May not sprintspecialisterna break when only distance the remains will even fewer set up.”

“Something must be done. Something else.”

“Twelve years after the backpromenaden, for stage six of seven, have more than half of the riders jumped off. Emil Iversen led the total when he stepped to the side, Sindre Brönestad Will lay four and Ida Ingemarsdotter fifth. Even worse is that Johaug, Kalla and Andersson never even came to the start. On the women’s side is Swedish all the remaining name on the lower half.”

“Should an activist come up with the solution? Of course not. “

“But two sports journalists can try.”

“As if the debate were attacks”

“well, we can address the most remarkable Swedish sportjournalistik? On the culture – and ledarsidorna ongoing conversation between the editors, the ideas are tested, arguments pitted against each other. The construction of the tyckare moves in its own corridors, with thick walls, but the influence of his colleague in the corridor next door.”

“Here on the Sportbladet writes someone a chronicle. Then someone on DN. A at Expressen, SVT, one on the GP. Each text begins from zero, as if the substance were completely new, as if the debate would be equal with the father.”

“I guess it’s a remnant from the old times, in all cases, the 00-century beginning, when the competition was a clearer impetus for the editorial staff. I can’t nuance or keep up with on a text by Johan Esk or Anna Friberg of the risk of… benefit them? “

“oh my God, so stupid. Current Tour de ski has, above all, I and Tomas Pettersson at Expressen wrote about the bailouts. This is how it has been so far:”

“In the ”this is a betrayal of Charlotte Kalla,” writes Pettersson known as the drop off is understandable, he had done the same in her seat, but it provides rings on the water for the younger racers. Skip the biggest star so can also the.”

“In the ”The Swedish team is shameful”, I am advocating that the world CUP is moved forward and the world cup greatly reduces the number of races to complete the tour. In case of unjustified defection, financial or points-based penalties come in the speech.”

“In the ”Force of the stars for a start – up or porta them from the world CUP” screws Pettersson the thumb screws and believe that everyone in the top 30 who do not have medical or personal reasons should be banned in the world CUP if they have not taken up the Alpe Cermis.”

“We do not agree with each other fully, I’m guessing that he thinks that I am exaggerating längdsportens crisis, itself I can see his latest proposal as unworkable. But I have the deepest respect for Tomas’s knowledge and willingness to not just complain but propose something constructive.”

“How much in fines had Olsson scored?”

“So in that spirit I thought I would add yet another block in the joint construction. “

“For one aspect none of us brought up is that the riders do not have any economic incentive to care about the world cup. Last season served the Charlotte Call 564 000 sek in prize money, which is in contrast to the 11.2 million that her company pulled in last year. Världscupsslantarna constitute five per cent of the revenue. The rest is bonuses and reklamuppdrag and everything she now rakes in on. “

“If there is a physical risk-taking to ride the tour, which it seems to be too many, and not money can compensate, so it is difficult to appeal to the individuals’ sense of duty. So works are not elite athletes. They are programmed to take the most efficient route to the medals, the glory and the money. Equally problematic is it to punish a skater for its approach. How much fines had Johan Olsson scored in his career?”

“twelve minutes after Norway”

“No, it is the covenants that sits on the ultimate maktmedlet: its: team selection. They can choose to poke someone who is not loyal enough to run the tour. But for that to happen they must put the higher honour in the results and where do we easier with the help of an already existing list.”

“The day is considered a nationscup together after each stage a bit on the sly. The two best times for men and women plussas together, and before the judgment is the position of the following:

“This is something to build on. The Tour de ski would not only be able to be hauliers chance to shine, without countries. As Finnkampen. Oskar Svensson’s spurt past a frenchman with a completely different value, the gentlemen stand in the track when the ladies run. More nationsplatser is in the pot, prize money accruing to the covenants, they determine whether there is a duty or not to represent his country, whether a truant may be at the world CUP.”

“the Construction of the prestige and the prices in the nationscupen. Put heavier responsibility on that the unions are taking it seriously. I grope for the new proposal. It is at least something to ponder on while Ingvild Flugstad Östberg and run the home tournament on ladies tour and exports massive amounts of oil to contend with Kläbo of the gentlemen.”

“What do you like reading about the idea?”

“And what say you, Tomas?”