For road users on the Funen Motorway trip becomes in the coming years a little more complicated.

There is view to the entire three years of roadworks on the stretch between Odense, denmark and Nørre Aaby, where you will widen the highway to three tracks.

It must be done in two stages where the first stage runs from the central West to Gribsvad and the second stage from the Gribsvad to Nørre Aaby.

According to the plan starts work at the beginning of april and continues until the end of 2020, on the first stage, after which the work on the second stage can be carried out. It’s going to pass away from the start of the 2021 mid-2022. It writes the Danish road directorate in a press release.

the Danish road directorate completed at the end of december the tender on the first stage between Odense Vest and Gribsvad. There must, therefore, now found a contractor who can carry out the work.

See the line for the first stage on this map. The article continues under the map …

Interested contractors can bid on the work, but licitationsdatoen is not finally determined. It is, however, expected to be in march 2019.

– In our choice of contractor, we lay – out over the economy, of course – especially the emphasis on anlægslogistik and flow of traffic. “The Highway is a highly trafficked highway, and we will do everything possible to maintain such a moving traffic as possible in the construction phase. We need to bother the users at least possible, says the project manager for the first stage, Robin Hill Madsen, in a press release.

While the work is carried out on the first stretch, road users experience inconvenience in traffic.

according to the Danish road directorate be narrower tracks to run on, the hard shoulder will be involved, and there will be a general speed reduction to 80 kilometres an hour on the entire route. In addition, flettestrækningen by tilslutningsanlæggene be shorter.

– You must run after the conditions out there, so we avoid accidents, ” says Robin Hill Madsen.