Alas, and woe. Had the Volvo just known that an american-chinese trade war was brewing, as the manufacturer of years back planned to build its first manufacturing plant in the UNITED states had not perhaps been in the unfortunate situation you are in now.

But it did Volvo not. So the Swedish automaker realized its ambitious Charleston plant, which has cost $ 7,3 billion and as at the end of 2018, after the plan should have employed 1800 staff – with the goal of reaching upwards of 4000 employees in the foreseeable future.

Now raging handelskrigen, however, between the us president, Donald Trump, on the one hand, and China’s president, Xi Jinping, on the other hand. Trump has played out with a tariff on cars and sub-assemblies for cars from China at 27.5 percent, and Xi Jinping responded by raising tariffs on imports of automobiles from the UNITED states to 40 percent.

It has obviously put a brake on the bilhandlen between the two superøkonomier – and thus also of the orders for the new Volvo factory was supposed to deliver to the UNITED states, Europe and China.

– We thought that Charleston İlbet could build cars for China. But it’s not going to work, ” says Håkan Samuelsson, ceo of Volvo, to USA Today.

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the Intensification of handelskonflikten between the UNITED states and China now has, according to Swedish Teknikens värld theme park got Volvo to take that one step further. Today, it is the new factory in Charleston, which are to produce the new sedanmodel Volvo S60, as well as the next generation of SUVS the Volvo XC90 is planned to be assembled here.

the Cars to be sold in both the U.S., Europe and China, and the expectation was that the Volvo’s wager would create thousands of new jobs at the factory. But now it can also the plans happen to crash together, says Håkan Samuelsson.

According to the director will the Volvo S60, that is destined for the chinese market, now instead be produced in China.

In several tweets is Donald Trump stuck on his position.

– Be wise, the Congress. The countries, who send us the cars, have taken advantage of the UNITED states in decades, it said, for example, from the u.s. president on Wednesday.

Cars – 28. nov. 2018 – at. 22:43 Something for you? McDonald’s goes along with the VW on the unique burgerbil