AGAINST the adults were Norway quite would not otherwise have qualified. For the second time in a week showed Denmark who has the world’s strongest håndballag. It is only to succumb and give thanks for oppvisningen.
So we can remember why the difference between the VMs two best teams suddenly became so big. As smart David O’Sullivan said it already a few minutes out in the rundspillingen:
We are too hot.
It belongs to the age to. For when the Norwegian players started to feel the danger, there was great world cup found Magnus Abelvik Red (21) in full swing by to shoot us in trouble because he like the rest of the Norwegian unggutta was so eager to win.
Three norwegians on the VMs team
This Danish team has been waiting many years on just that. Now they are there. And it is great.
FOR this was the match where even the fabulous Sander Sagosen (23) came under pressure he is not yet completely tackled.
It as the danes. While they held on to have stopped from the middle of the førsteomgangen, used coach Nikolaj Jacobsen timeouten to concentrate the players on Sagosens lynne:
– Remember, Sagosen. Now he plays not the ball. Now he will decide for yourself, said Jacobsen, and knew at once that made his frustration of the Norwegian superstar was another notch closer to world cup gold. In order to isolate the mastermind in the Norwegian angrepsspillet, was a Danish battle plan number one.
And so they got the help of a young, Norwegian star who, during a continuous pipekonsert in the kokhete, Danish world cup-the living room understandably felt pressured to do too much with their own hands.
He has been Norway’s best TV commentator
WHEN applies to most of us to understand how strong this world cup performance yet. Not only for the Norwegian handball, but for all Norwegian team sports.
In just four years has håndballgutta played his way to two world cup finals and a european CHAMPIONSHIP semi-final. They have lost all three of these big matches. Mostly because the opponent really has been better, but also because all three have been played away from home against more experienced teams.
the best time comes. Meanwhile it is to enjoy the overall world cup performance by a team that is still ranked among the sport’s ten best.
JUST the location enough also with all this progress. The most important piece of evidence on the nivåhevningen you will find no matter in the official statistics from this world cup. Travel Norway from the tournament as the best team in some prestigious categories.
The most interesting is the high tempo of the game. In a sport where everyone has been aware of the possibility that is by increasing the speed, is it this Norwegian team; that in spite of this finalesmellen, conduct fartsøkningen best.
Before the final was Norway with 80 counter-attacks, and a treffprosent impressive 86. So put not difference when counter-attacking in the final. Nevertheless, the pace is naturally also that Norway was the team in the championship who had the most shots. It is nevertheless a good starting point to win.
Amazed to Norway: Germany cries in the day
WITH this tall Norwegian pace, also comes a heightened requirement for both a better overview and ballbehandling. The technical implementation of this ballspillet will be affected by the choice for a common, higher speed.
A national team has basically not samlingstid enough to develop the level of ballbehandlingen to enkeltspillerne, but this is a thinking that the Norwegian players undoubtedly have with him when they to the daily trainer among the various proffklubbene their.
JUST the point is very exciting if we look to other international ballidretter where Norway is in a period of time have been in the vicinity of a peak. For when Drillos the mid-1990’s was all the way up on the second place on the world ranking for soccer and a power of Norwegian player established himself in good european clubs, it was usually not the combination between speed, technique and eye for the game that made these parts popular among the new employers.
With the exception of extremely fast Rune Bratseth and the very temposterke passion, commitment and Ronny Johnsen, the Norwegian players any time chosen for its treningsdisiplin, physics and tactical understanding.
SOME of these håndballgutta on the other hand is the leading player with spillforståelse and technical qualities at the very top in the håndballsporten. It is the Norwegian kantspillerne Kristian Bjørnsen/Magnus Jøndal that has been a superb best in this tournament with a treffprosent at 79: far, far ahead of the competition. And that was among the few Norwegian players that kept the same level in the finals.
– Left Jøndalen had a treffprosent on the fantastic 90 in the tournament, and was, of course, with VMs All Star team. There was also space for Sander Sagosen and veteran Bjarte Myrhol. Three of the seven appointed were Norwegian words. It tells about the individual quality.
BUT , finally held, neither the Sander Sagosen or the whole. This happens at the highest level where the opponent is even better in defence, keeperplass and in the width of avslutterne.
This time lost we the not against the sovereign Mikkel Hansen, but against a great team with adults.
As håndballgutta even can be in a few years.
Killed: they get the slaughter at the spillerbørsen