“We’re consolation prize for Ulf Kristersson”

“Ulf Kristersson lost the fight on the government. “

“But Moderatledaren can rejoice in a cute consolation prize.”

“On Instagram he announces that the family now had a father – a welsh springer spaniel puppy.”

“After over four month regeringskaos can the party leaders take a breather. For Ulf Kristersson, there was no statsministerpost this time and M-the leader will now focus on leading his party in opposition in the coming years.”

“But perhaps he finds consolation in the fact that he now had a new friend, a fluffy one.”

“On the Instagram announces Kristersson to his family, which besides him consists of his wife, Birgitta Ed, and the couple’s three daughters, received the male addition to the family.”

“It’s about a welsh springer spaniel puppy named Winston.”

“”Must train new jaktkompis””

“”Flickflocken in the family Ed Kristersson get the long-awaited male addition to the family. And I get to start training a new jaktkompis in the woods”, type M-leader.”

“Ulf Kristersson has previously told you that hunting is one of his greatest interests and his party have in the last year lifting more jaktpolitiska issues, often linked to the EU’s vapendirektiv and how it will be incorporated in Swedish law.”

“A welsh springer spaniel is often described as a sporty and affectionate companion dog that requires daily exercise.”

“Ulf Kristersson writes in a comment to Aftonbladet:”

” the Family has long wanted to have a dog, and when our children, now become so great that they can help, we thought it was time to strike. In addition, it should be fun to get one for löparkompis and a friend in the forest.”