It is just before, you can hear the classic helikopersoundtrack ‘Gimme Shelter’ by the Rolling Stones, when you see the Defence and the stunning images of their new Seahawk helicopters.

But it is not a mission in Vietnam, but rather a show of Nsw.

Henrik Kanstrup, who is a colonel in the air force and the commander of the Helicopter Wing Karup, was happy for the nice flight.

– The fine video consisted of activities, which was the normal training, which we combined with indvielseceremonien of the new Seahawk helicopter, he says to Ekstra Bladet.

the Colonel concedes that the helicopters may not see fremtidsagtige out, but it is equipped on board.

– They have a whole other technology on board than the Lynx helicopter, which they replace. They’ve got a new radar, new day – and natkamera and its sensors can see further.

– It means that we can solve the tasks in a different way than we have been able to in the past, he says.

According to Henrik Kanstrup is a huge step for the defence helicopter department.

this is The first time, we enter into this new, brave world of technology.

the Defense has already had the Seahawk helicopters in use, but the special flight marks the last of its kind is delivered. The squadron is therefore complete.

– We have been looking forward to this selection. It has been planned for a long time, and we have chosen to do it with helicopters from all the Armed forces three squadrons and Flvevåbnets flight school, says the colonel.

If you are not lucky enough to live in Nsw, you can see opvisningen in the top of the article.