TV For the latest ‘Telefacts Winter’ – tonight on VTM – defied Julie Colpaert the heavy weather in Switzerland in order to an extravagance ski resort: Gstaad. Colpaert ended up there after a very difficult journey through the affected area. Once she could her eyes, however, the cost: all-in-Gstaad exudes extreme luxury.

Gstaad is a village in the Swiss Bernese Oberland – but it is known far and wide. It is located 150 km from Geneva. Especially among the wealthy has Gstaad is a big name as exclusive residence. It is not the cheapest place in the world, but the glorious surroundings has a lot to offer. Royals, billionaires and international stars there and like to enjoy everything their money can buy.

Gstaad is not for nothing that the Saint-Tropez of the Alps, called: everything in the village exudes opulence. The rich all their money to spend in one of the many designer shops. Prada, Ralph Lauren to Louis Vuitton: all of them have a branch.

The rich amble happy for hours through one of the many cosy shopping streets. Such as Madonna, Salma Hayek, Liz Taylor, Shirley McLaine, Audrey Hepburn, Roger Moore and Brigitte Bardot. Or also actress Anne Hathaway and designer Valentino, who, in 2012, still together, new year’s eve celebrations came to celebrate.