“Ylwa, 90, got the help of 58 in home care”

“”Want to talk about how it can be””

“After their canceroperationer needed Ylwa Ståhle, 90, with the help of home care.”

“But she had not expected to need to meet the 58 different people.”

“– It was terrible. You are sick and can not say no, ” she says.”

“the Elderly can be forced to meet many different employees in home care. How many, however, varies widely between the municipalities.”

“In Essunga, they need to hit as many as 24 different hemtjänstanställda average over the two weeks.”

“It is the highest in Sweden. While in other municipalities only a few employees, as in the Waxholms municipality. Where need to the elderly just to meet with six different people (see box, below left).”

“It shows new statistics from the Municipality and landstingsdatabasen Kolada for the year 2018, the news agency Siren has produced.”

“To which the elderly have to face many different people is problematic. This is according to the Magdalena Elmersjö, senior lecturer in social work at the Södertörn university college.”

“– It creates a big stress, not only for the elderly, but also for the staff, ” she says to the news agency Siren.”

“According to Magdalena Elmersjö it is well known that the caring relationship between the older and the staff is very important to the quality of the care will be good.”

“– This is where the staff get to know the older people’s needs and wishes and can follow the changes in needs, ” she says.”

“”Can not say from””

“the One that knows what it means to meet many is Ylwa Ståhle, 90, in Halmstad, sweden. She states that she for two years was visited by more than 58 different employees from the municipal home-help service.”

“– It was terrible. You are sick and can not say no, I thought it was myself, ” she says.”

“Ylva Ståhle was hit by cancer and was unsuccessful. When she came home from the hospital was not help from home care, she thought. It was constantly new faces. She also experienced deficiencies in the response.”

“In the beginning of the year, Ylwa Ståhle out in the media and told about her situation. It was only after that that it was an improvement, she says.”

” I can only say that it is great now. It is much, much better for me now. Those who come here are the ones I want here, ” says Ylwa Ståhle.”

” I want to be treated with kindness and respect, it will be me now.”

“She has given up two visits a day, and now just a visit.”

“Ylwa Ståhle want to highlight how bad it can get, when help from home care do not function satisfactorily.”

“– It is not just for my sake I do this, I want to talk about how it can be for many of us, ” she says.”

” We have paid the tax. All expect that we should be able to get care. But it is also closely linked with the economy. It can be different from municipality to municipality.”

“Ylwa Ståhle desired that all who work in home care were trained nurses.”

“– the Profession has no status. I hope that it can be an amendment on it, that it gets a higher status. You can’t just send out anyone, ” she says.”

“Vanya, Linderoth, 94, of Gothenburg, has also been affected by the high personalrotation in home care. She has had 228 different employees of the then she started to count in January 2014. She told Göteborgs-Posten.”

“Vanya, Linderoth may help three times a day, but never know who will. It makes her tense and worried.”

“– I Know that there is a person I feel I am calm, ” she says to the GP.”

“the Concern led her to over a period became depressed and lost your appetite.”

“Vanjas daughter Marita Nilsson has several times contacted the responsible in the municipality of Gothenburg, but that the situation become better.”

“Michael Göransson, sektorchef on the municipality, regrets that the municipality has not succeeded in creating a higher business continuity within the home.”

“– But we have a huge turnover of staff. The only thing we can do is to plan as wisely as possible, ” he says to GP.”

“✓ 24 hemtjänstanställda: Essunga municipality.”

“✓ 22 employees: Forshaga, Hedemora, Perstorp.”

“✓ 21 employees: Fagersta, sweden, Hallsberg, sweden, Hjo, Östra Göinge.”

“✓ 20 employees: Aneby, Askersund, Eskilstuna, sweden, Hällefors, sweden, Kiruna Kristinehamn, Sotenäs, Exeter.”

“It hits the elderly the least number of hemtjänstanställda for two weeks in 2018:”

“✓ 6 hemtjänstanställda: Waxholms municipality.”

“✓ 7 employees: Emmaboda, Tyresö.”

“✓ 8 employees: Norrtälje, sweden, Sundbyberg.”

“✓ 9 employees: Bromley, Salem, Smedjebacken, Tingsryd.”

“the Mean for the number of different people from the home as a hemtjänsttagare met during a two-week period in 2018. Respect for the elderly over 65 years who receive at least two visits per day between 07 and 22. Security alarms, catering and home care are not included. The data is based on the municipalities ‘ own measurements.”

“Source: News agency Sirénu002FStatistik from the Municipality and landstingsdatabasen Kolada.”